Safety Instructions for Bali Natural Disasters
Bali is probably one of the most beautiful Indonesian islands in the country. Thanks to its exceptional living environment, it allows everyone to disconnect and recharge their batteries. Far from your concerns, there are however certain dangers to avoid in Bali. Don’t worry, they are rare and can be easily avoided with caution. This is particularly the case for natural hazards. In general, these can be predicted. In this case, the local authorities put in place a system to protect the population. Here are safety instructions for Bali in case of natural disasters.
Remember, preparedness and swift action are key during such emergencies. Follow local authorities’ instructions and evacuation routes to ensure your safety and the safety of others around you!
Safety instructions for Bali in case of natural Disasters
Bali is a region of Indonesia located near the Ring of Fire. Earthquakes can occur off the Island and generate tsunamis. The risks are heightened by the density of the seaside population in certain areas. Here’s a general set of safety instructions:
Earthquake followed by Tsunami
Bali is located in a seismically active region, and earthquakes are a common occurrence. However, earthquakes can sometimes trigger tsunamis, which can be extremely dangerous. Here are some essential safety instructions for Bali in case of an earthquake followed by a tsunami:
Tsunami safety instructions for Bali
A tsunami is a large wave caused by an earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption. Tsunamis can travel at speeds of up to 500 miles or 804 km per hour and can cause widespread damage.
The PUSDALOP system is linked to a tsunami early warning system. It has sirens and loudspeakers distributed in risk areas.
You will find below the instructions to follow in the event of a tsunami.
Evacuation procedure in case of earthquake
Be aware of the signs of an earthquake, such as shaking, rumbling, or a sudden drop or rise in the ground. If you feel an earthquake, immediately drop, cover, and hold on.
1- If you feel an earthquake protect yourself:
- do not panic
- drop to the ground and cover / hide under a table
2- After an earthquake, be aware that a tsunami may follow:
- move away from the beach immediately as a precaution
- after a violent and long tremor, do not wait for the alert from the authorities, leave the red zone immediately!
- listen to announcements from local authorities and the radio to keep you informed. watch the siren
3- The triggering of the siren is the evacuation alert signal:
- when the siren sounds, immediately evacuate the red zone or seek refuge in high buildings (reinforced concrete building from the 3rd floor)
- if you are in the yellow zone, seek refuge on the higher floors
- if you are in a hotel, follow the instructions of the staff
After the 1st tsunami, other waves may follow
Wait for the all-clear signal from the authorities before leaving your shelter.
Safety Instructions for Tsunamis:
- If you are in a coastal area, evacuate to high ground immediately when a tsunami warning is issued. Do not wait to see the wave.
- If you cannot evacuate to high ground, go to the nearest sturdy building and stay away from windows.
- Do not return to low-lying areas until you have been told that it is safe to do so.
- Stay Informed and follow local news, radio, or official social media for updates and instructions.
Sign indicating the Tsunami Evacuation Route. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons
Safety Instructions for Bali Natural Disasters incase of Tsunami
The areas in Bali that are most at risk of tsunamis are the coastal areas, particularly those along the southern and eastern coasts of the island. These areas include popular tourist destinations such as Kuta, Seminyak, Sanur, Nusa Dua, and Candidasa.
Bali is located in an earthquake-prone region, which means that it is also at risk of tsunamis.
In case of a tsunami, it is important to follow these safety instructions:
- Stay informed: Listen to local news and weather reports for updates on potential tsunamis.
- Move to higher ground: If you are in a coastal area, move to higher ground immediately when a tsunami warning is issued. Follow instructions from local authorities and evacuate to a safe location as soon as possible.
- Avoid low-lying areas: Do not go to low-lying areas or beaches to watch the tsunami. Tsunamis are very dangerous and can cause significant damage and loss of life.
- Do not use elevators: Avoid using elevators during a tsunami warning, as they may stop working or become overloaded.
- Have an emergency kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential items such as food, water, medicine, first aid supplies, flashlights, and batteries. Keep this kit in a safe and easily accessible place.
- Stay away from the coast: Do not return to the coast until the authorities have declared it safe to do so. Even after the initial tsunami wave has passed, there may be dangerous currents and debris in the water.
- Follow instructions from authorities: Follow the instructions of local authorities and emergency services. If you are unsure about what to do, seek advice from the authorities or locals.
Overall, it is important to take a tsunami warning seriously and follow safety instructions to protect yourself and others. Stay informed, move to higher ground, avoid low-lying areas, have an emergency kit, and follow instructions from local authorities.
There are simple precautions to apply in the event of natural disasters.
An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface caused by the movement of tectonic plates. Earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse, roads to crack, and landslides to occur.
If it is an earthquake, you must not go out under any circumstances. Then, be sure to protect yourself from falling objects, by hiding under a table, for example. Stay in a solid and safe place. If you are outdoors, stay away from buildings, trees, or power lines. By car, it is best to stop on the side of the road and protect yourself under a porch.
- If you are indoors, take cover under a sturdy table or desk, and hold on until the shaking stops.
- Stay away from windows, glass, and heavy objects that could fall and cause injury.
- If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, and power lines.
- If you are driving, stop the car in a safe area away from buildings, trees, and power lines.
- After the earthquake, be prepared for aftershocks and check for injuries.
In the case of a tsunami, it is possible to anticipate the disaster thanks to security alerts, but also by studying the water level. In general, the sea seems to be receding and the beach seems to have lengthened. Then, an impressive rumble is heard in the distance. This is the signal that you need to get as far away from the coast as possible. Join the inner lands and wait for all the waves to pass.
- If you are near the coast and you feel an earthquake, move quickly to higher ground or inland.
- If you are on the beach, move to higher ground immediately.
- Listen to local news and follow instructions from authorities.
- Do not return to the beach until you have been given the all-clear.
Mountain eruption
A mountain eruption is the expulsion of hot ash, gases, and rocks from a volcano. Mountain eruptions can cause ashfall, lava flows, and mudflows.
The essential rules in the event of a volcanic eruption:
- Follow official instructions: Listen to local news and follow instructions from authorities. Stay
- informed about the latest developments and safety instructions.
- Evacuate if advised: If authorities advise you to evacuate, do so immediately and follow the designated evacuation routes. Don’t hesitate, and take only what you need.
- Protect yourself from ashfall: Wear a mask or a wet cloth over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from ashfall, which can cause respiratory problems. Protect your eyes with goggles or glasses.
- Stay indoors if possible: If you are unable to evacuate, stay indoors and close all windows and doors to prevent ash and smoke from entering. Turn off air conditioning and ventilation systems to prevent ash from entering the building.
- Avoid driving: If you are driving, stop as soon as it is safe to do so, and turn off the engine. Avoid driving in areas with heavy ashfall or near the eruption site.
- Be prepared for aftershocks: Be prepared for aftershocks, which can occur after a volcanic eruption.
- Stay away from areas near the volcano, as they may be unstable.
- Prepare for emergency situations: Have an emergency kit prepared that includes important documents, medications, food, water, and other supplies that may be needed in case of a natural disaster.
Overall, it is important to take the necessary precautions and follow safety instructions to ensure your safety in case of a mountain eruption.
Read also: Mount Agung Adventure Travel in Bali
A storm? Do not run!
A storm is a strong wind that can cause damage to buildings and trees. Storms can also bring heavy rain, which can cause flooding.
When thunder rumbles, rain pours down and lightning rips through the sky, many people have the instinct to run for safety. These behaviors increase the risk of being electrocuted. It is therefore necessary to “walk slowly, dragging your feet on the ground”. In the absence of shelter, it is advisable to squat rather than stand and if possible on an insulating material. The best is still to stay at home.
In case of a storm, it is important to take appropriate safety measures and follow safety instructions to protect yourself and others.
Here are some guidelines on what behavior to adopt in the event of a storm:
- Stay indoors: If possible, stay indoors until the storm has passed. Find a safe room in your home or building, preferably without windows or with secure shutters.
- Avoid outdoor activities: Avoid outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, or camping during a storm. If you are outside and cannot find shelter, move away from trees, power lines, and other structures that could fall during the storm.
- Avoid using electrical equipment: Avoid using electrical equipment, such as phones, computers, or appliances during the storm. Unplug appliances and avoid touching electrical outlets or equipment, as lightning can travel through electrical wires.
- Stay informed: Listen to local news and weather reports for updates on the storm’s progress and safety instructions. Follow instructions from authorities, and be prepared to evacuate if necessary.
- Prepare for power outages: Have a flashlight, batteries, and other emergency supplies on hand in case of a power outage. Avoid using candles as they can be a fire hazard.
- Secure outdoor objects: Secure outdoor objects such as patio furniture, potted plants, and trash cans to prevent them from being blown away by strong winds.
- Stay away from floodwaters: Do not attempt to walk or drive through floodwaters, as they can be deeper than they appear and contain hidden hazards.
Overall, it is important to take appropriate safety measures and follow safety instructions to protect yourself and others during a storm. Stay informed and be prepared for power outages, flooding, and other potential hazards associated with storms.
A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is normally dry. Floods can cause damage to property, loss of life, and disruption to transportation and utilities.
In case of a flood, it is important to take appropriate safety measures and follow safety instructions to protect yourself and others.
Here are some guidelines on what behavior to adopt in the event of a flood:
- Evacuate if necessary: If authorities advise you to evacuate, do so immediately and follow the designated evacuation routes. Don’t hesitate, and take only what you need.
- Avoid floodwaters: Do not attempt to walk or drive through floodwaters, as they can be deeper than they appear and contain hidden hazards. Stay away from flood-prone areas and avoid walking or driving near rivers and streams.
- Listen to local news: Stay informed about the latest developments and safety instructions. Listen to local news and weather reports for updates on the flood’s progress and safety instructions.
- Turn off electricity and gas: Turn off electricity and gas at the main switch or valve before leaving the property, if you have time and it is safe to do so.
- Be prepared for power outages: Have a flashlight, batteries, and other emergency supplies on hand in case of a power outage.
- Avoid contact with floodwater: Floodwater may contain sewage, chemicals, and other hazardous substances. Avoid contact with floodwater and if you come into contact with it, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean water.
- Move to higher ground: If you are unable to evacuate, move to higher ground and stay indoors until the floodwaters recede.
- Overall, it is important to take appropriate safety measures and follow safety instructions to protect yourself and others during a flood. Stay informed and be prepared for power outages, evacuation, and other potential hazards associated with floods.
Additional Tips
- Learn the evacuation routes in your area.
- Have an emergency plan in place for your family.
- Make sure you have a first-aid kit and other emergency supplies.
- Follow the instructions of local authorities.
Please note that these are general safety instructions. The specific safety instructions for each type of natural disaster will vary depending on the situation. It is always best to listen to local radio or television for the latest updates and to follow the instructions of local authorities.
Emergency Kit Essentials
Bali is located in a seismically active region, making it susceptible to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. It is important to be prepared for these disasters by having an emergency kit on hand.
Emergency Kit for Earthquakes
Here are some essential items to include in an emergency kit for earthquakes:
Food and Water:
- Non-perishable food items that have a long shelf life, such as canned food, nuts, and dried fruits
- Bottled water (at least one gallon per person per day)
- Water purification tablets or a water filter
First-Aid Kit:
- Bandages of various sizes
- Adhesive tape
- Scissors
- Antiseptic wipes
- Pain relievers
- Antihistamines
- Thermometer
Fire Extinguisher:
- A fire extinguisher suitable for your home
Flashlights and Batteries:
- Flashlights with extra batteries
- Headlamps
- A battery-powered radio to stay informed about emergency updates
- A multi-tool with various tools, such as pliers, screwdrivers, and a knife
Extra Clothing:
- Warm clothing in case of cold weather
- Rain gear in case of rain
Personal Items:
- Prescription medications
- Toiletries
- Important documents (copies of passports, IDs, insurance papers)
Emergency Kit for Tsunamis
In addition to the items listed above, an emergency kit for tsunamis should also include:
- First-aid supplies for injuries caused by debris
- A whistle or other noise-making device to signal for help
- A battery-powered lantern
- A sturdy backpack or duffle bag to carry your emergency kit
Emergency Kit for Volcanic Eruptions
An emergency kit for volcanic eruptions should also include:
- A face mask to protect your lungs from ash and debris: This can be a surgical mask, N95 respirator, or a home-made mask made from 2-3 layers of cloth.
- Eye protection: Sunglasses, goggles, or safety glasses will help to protect your eyes from volcanic ash and debris.
- Sturdy hat: A wide-brimmed hat will help to shade your face and prevent ash from getting in your eyes.
- Dust mask: A dust mask will help to filter out ash and debris.
- Shovel or other tool to clear debris: This will be helpful if you need to clear debris from your home or property after an eruption.
- Flashlight or headlamp: This will be essential for navigating in the dark, especially if there is power outage.
- Battery-powered radio: This will allow you to stay informed about the latest emergency updates and warnings.
- First-aid kit: A well-stocked first-aid kit is important for treating injuries caused by flying debris, ash inhalation, or burns.
- Extra clothing: This includes warm clothing in case of cold weather, rain gear in case of rain, and long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect your skin from ash.
- Personal items: This includes prescription medications, toiletries, important documents (copies of passports, IDs, insurance papers), and a comfort item like a stuffed animal or photo.
Emergency Kit for Storms and Floods
Here are some essential items to include in an emergency kit for storms and floods:
- Water: Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for three days.
- Non-perishable food: Food that does not require cooking or refrigeration, such as canned goods, nuts, and dried fruits.
- First-aid kit: A well-stocked first-aid kit is important for treating injuries caused by flying debris, falls, or cuts.
- Flashlights and batteries: Flashlights with extra batteries and headlamps for hands-free use.
- Battery-powered radio: This will allow you to stay informed about the latest weather updates and warnings.
- Multi-tool: A multi-tool with various tools, such as pliers, screwdrivers, and a knife, can be helpful for various tasks.
- Extra clothing: This includes warm clothing in case of cold weather, rain gear in case of rain, and long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect your skin from the elements.
- Personal items: This includes prescription medications, toiletries, important documents (copies of passports, IDs, insurance papers), and a comfort item like a stuffed animal or photo.
- Sandbags or flood barriers: These can be used to protect your home from flooding.
- Radio and flashlight: This will allow you to stay informed about the latest weather updates and warnings and to see in the dark if there is a power outage.
Remember to store your emergency kit in a safe and easily accessible location. Review your emergency kit regularly and replace any expired items. Make a plan for how you will evacuate your home if necessary, and learn about the warning signs of storms and floods in your area.
Once the disaster has passed
Once the disaster has passed, be sure to stay as calm as possible. Make sure you are unhurt and that your loved ones are okay. When this is done, avoid walking barefoot or in flip-flops to avoid injury. It is best to wear sneakers or hiking boots. Finally, do not touch the electric wires fallen on the ground, do not use the elevators either. Head to open space, such as parks, and stay away from structures that can collapse.
Once you are safe, you can call your loved ones to reassure them and tell them your location. When this is done, it is advisable to hang up so as not to overload the telephone network. The Embassy may try to contact you to provide you with security instructions. However, you can call them to find out about the measures planned for people traveling.
Now you know all the natural hazards. The key is to take them seriously when the alert is given by the local authorities. Always follow the safety instructions to ensure your well-being.
However, these natural disasters remain rare. So you have nothing to fear during your stay in Bali! You can pack your suitcase and fly to your dream destination, no problem.
Remember, these are general guidelines, and specific instructions may vary depending on the situation. Always prioritize your safety and follow the advice of local authorities to stay safe during an earthquake followed by a tsunami in Bali.
Photo credit: Erik_Karits via Pixabay