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From Bali to Yogyakarta, the Beating Heart of Javanese Culture

Yogyakarta (or Jogja) is a must visit destination for travelers to Java Island. Renowned for being the cultural center of Java, this student city attracts many artists and intellectuals from all the provinces of the Indonesian archipelago. Direct flight from Bali to Yogyakarta it takes 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Yogyakarta is also a city apart in Indonesia, because it is still under the governance of a sultan and has inherited a cultural richness that is now visible through the many palaces, museums, temples and historic buildings. In this article I share with you all the information to visit the city of Yogyakarta!

The famous temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, both listed as World Heritage by Unesco, are located near Yogyakarta.

3 Ways to get from Bali to Yogyakarta


Flying is by far the fastest and easiest way to reach Bali from Yogyakarta to Bali. The flight takes less than 2 hours with tickets starting at IDR 650,000 (US$ 40). Note that this includes short taxi transfers to and from the airports.

What airline companies run direct flight services from Bali and Yogyakarta?
Train and ferry

If you feel like an adventure and have time for it, you can also take a combined train and ferry trip from Bali to Yogyakarta. The trip takes at least 19 hours, through East Java and along the west coast of Bali, including an additional bus ride from the port to central or south Bali. The total cost is approximately IDR 500,000 (US$ 32). If you decide to go overland, we highly recommend visiting the Bromo and Ijen volcanoes as well as the Sewu waterfalls.


It’s also possible to take the bus from Bali to Yogyakarta, but it’s an uncomfortable 20-hour trip that involves several transfers and is often affected by delays. Long-distance buses can be very tiring and are not the safest way to travel, especially at night.

Experience and visit the constant hustle and bustle of Yogyakarta city and visit the Sultan’s Palace, Water Palace and UNESCO sites such as the ancient Borobudur Temple or Prambanan during your visit to Yogyakarta.

Borobudur (Central Java, Indonesia) (51112270656)
Stupas on top terrace at Borobudur. Sasha India, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Visit Yogyakarta (the City)

1. Sultan’s Palace (Kraton)

The sultan still resides in Yogyakarta. He is the governor of Central Java and has a large palace in the city center, which is open for visits every morning. The Sultan’s Palace is a beautiful place, but don’t expect anything lavish, the whole thing remains rather simple. Inside, objects and photos on display, generally without much explanation. It’s worth going there but we don’t come out impressed either.

Every day a different show is held at the Sultan’s Palace depending on the day of the week. We were there on a Saturday, the day of the wayang kulit, the puppets, which are an integral part of the traditional culture. A bit boring when you don’t understand Indonesian but the backstage area, with the orchestra dressed in traditional attire, is worth seeing.

The Sultan’s Palace and the surrounding streets form an entire district called Kraton. Far from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the city of Yogya, the streets of Kraton are very quiet and green. There are merchants and craftsmen there, it’s pleasant.

The spiritual and royal center of Yogyakarta, the Kraton is the sultan’s palace, where the royal family resided for centuries

It is rather large, it takes a good hour to go around. It is like a mini-city, there are courtyards with elegant pavilions. I advise you to take a guide who can explain the interior of the Kraton and contextualize the history of the sultanate because a visit alone is not really of interest except to admire the architecture. You can also see dance, music and puppet shows there, there are several throughout the day.

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Kraton the Sultan’s (king’s) palace. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Jalan Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta
Opening hours: every day from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Admission: 20,000 IDR/person (IDR +1,000 for the right to take photos)

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Kraton of Yogyakarta. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

2. Visit the Taman Sari (Water Castle) and its underground mosque

Formerly, the Water castle of Yogyakarta was the place where the Sultan and his Court came to bathe. The place could be superb but lacks maintenance. There was almost no water, too bad for a water castle. So it’s a bit sad.

There are a few shops within the grounds. We took the opportunity to watch the work of making traditional wayang kulit puppets, in chiseled leather, as well as batik. Patience work!

Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta, 20220818 1043 8976
Taman Sari (Water Castle), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Location of Taman Sari (Water Castle)

Located south-west of Kraton, the Taman Sari – literally the “garden of perfumes” – is a palace on the water which once served as a place of relaxation and meditation built at the request of the sultan in the 18th century. At the time, this large royal park housed luxurious pools, water games, pavilions and several small lakes as well as rooms to accommodate the sultan’s wives. Today only the baths and bedrooms have been preserved, but the architecture of the castle is no less impressive. There are also many underground tunnels and an underground mosque. The place is a real labyrinth when you do not know the places. I advise you to take a guide who can explain the places to you and immerse you in the history of this magnificent aquatic palace.

Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta
Taman Sari Water Castle, Yogyakarta. Dudva, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Wisata Taman Sari, Taman, Patehan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta
Hours: daily from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Admission: IDR 15,000/person

3. Stroll through the Prawirotaman district and admire the street-art

The Prawirotaman district is one of the most frequented districts in Yogyakarta by tourists. Indeed, this district brings together all the hotels, restaurants, bars and travel agencies of the city. It is particularly in this district that we recognize that Yogyakarta is a city populated by artists, because the walls of this district have been magnificently decorated by young local artists, lovers of street-art!

4. Visit a batik workshop

Batik is a fabric dyeing technique widely used in Indonesia. This traditional technique comes from Yogyakarta and was exported throughout the Indonesian archipelago, then to Africa. In Yogyakarta, you can therefore visit one of the many batik workshops, meet local artists and admire them handling the technique meticulously, or even try it yourself.

Batik Weaver, Yogyakarta 0944
This lady is weaving batik, the national cloth of Indonesia. Michael Gunther, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

5. Walk down Malioboro Street and City Centre

Malioboro Street will immerse you directly in local life. It is an essential walk to do if you come to Yogyakarta: many shops, small restaurants and food stalls, shops and local market… Ideally to be done in the evening to enjoy the local atmosphere, see people chatting on the benches , enjoy small street concerts. Agoraphobes refrain because it is a really crowded and very lively avenue.

Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta
Malioboro Street, Yogyakarta. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

6. Fort Vredeburg Museum

The museum is very strategically located from the city center and has a fairly high value. Maybe for some people who hear the word “museum” or “fort” will think that it is very old-fashioned and boring. However, the Fort Vredeburg Museum is different.

Fort Vredeburg, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Museum Benteng Vredeburg. Pras, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The place is quite spacious and there are many spots to take pictures. In a number of buildings within the fort there are dioramas (miniature three-dimensional objects / theater decorations) about Indonesian history. The Vredeburg Fort Museum is one of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta that must be visited.

7. Visit the Affandi Museum

Afandi is one of the most famous artists in Indonesia. Located by a river, the museum was once its own home. He himself designed and drew the plans for his house as well as the showrooms for his works of art. All his paintings were painted by hand or directly with his paint tubes.

Inspired and influenced by great European artists like Van Gogh, his works are no less original and impressionist in style. This museum is undoubtedly one of the most interesting to visit in Yogyakarta. Not to be missed for art lovers or budding painters!

Address: Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.167, Papringan, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission: IDR 50,000/person

8. Museum of Dewantara Kirti Griya

This museum is  is a memorial museum that presents an overview of the life and history of Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s struggles. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was a pioneer in the fight for education for Indonesians.

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Dewantara Kirti Griya museum collection – Room 6. Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

8. Bird market

Imagine a huge outdoor pet store. There you are, you are at the Yogyakarta bird market (where not only birds are actually sold, but rabbits, cats, dogs, mice, reptiles, fish…).

9. Beringharjo Market

Beringharjo market is a huge covered market in Yogyakarta where you can find everything: a huge choice of batik (printed clothes and fabrics), spices, fruits and vegetables, wicker baskets, trinkets…It’s open in the morning only (from 8 a.m.), and you meet many locals who come to shop there (from the purchase of peppers to the wedding dress).

The atmosphere is really nice, we walk with pleasure in the aisles. No attempt to sell us anything but just smiles. We even got a little lesson on the different spices at a stand!

Pasar Bringharjo
The Beringharjo market is located in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia. PL09Puryono, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

10. Eat a gudeg: the culinary specialty of Yogyakarta

Gudeg is one of the culinary specialties of Yogyakarta. This dish is made from young jackfruit boiled in traditional herbs and coconut milk, and served with rice, egg and chicken. It is the flagship dish of the region, so you can easily find it in small shops or stands in the street.

Gudeg Jogja
Gudeg Jogja. Eny Santiati, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Otherwise, we can recommend this address, it is a small restaurant with a terrace serving a very good gudeg at an affordable price. Many locals go there and some tourists:

Gudeg Sagan

Address: Jl. Prof Dr. Herman Yohanes No. 53, Caturtunggal, Depok, Samirono, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55223
Hours: daily from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Activities and places not to miss around Yogyakarta

1. Visit Borobudur Temple

Located 40km from the city center, the Borobudur temple is a must visit place for tourists who come to visit Java. The largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur is also the most visited tourist site in Indonesia. If you want to admire the sunrise at the top of the temple, you will have to put your hands in your pocket, but it is worth it because the view from the top is incredible, and there will be fewer tourists than during the day.

Borobudur Northwest ViewBorobudur temple, Jogja. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Manohara hotel (2-star hotel) located inside the park is the only one that offers a special “sunrise tour” ticket to watch the sunrise. For the simple visit of the temple at conventional times, you can benefit from a student rate if you have your student card (to have in hand, or photocopied), i.e. 50% reduction.

Short history:

The main stupa enthroned at Borobudur Temple in Central Java, Indonesia. The world’s largest Buddhist monument was built in the 8th century by the Syailendra dynasty. The upper terrace is round in shape with a row of bell-shaped stupas containing a Buddha figure which symbolizes Arupadhatu, the realm of the formless. The main stupa itself is empty, symbolizing complete perfection of enlightenment.

Stupa Borobudur
Borobudur Temple in Jogja – Central Java, Indonesia. Gunkarta, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Jl. Badrawati, Kw. Candi Borobudur, Borobudur, Magelang, Jawa Tengah
Hours: daily from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., but possible to buy a more expensive ticket to see the sunrise at 5 a.m.
Admission: 325,000 IDR/person (450,000 IDR for the sunrise tour via the Manohara hotel) and 162,500 IDR for students with their student card.

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Borobudur temple with its stupas, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Borobudur temple view from northwest plateau, Central Java, Indonesia. Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

2. Climb the Merapi Volcano

Culminating at a height of 2934 meters, the Merapi volcano dominates the city of Yogyakarta. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia, its last eruption dates from May 2018. Before climbing the volcano, check with the agency organizing your trek to find out about the activity of the volcano and to know if the roads are in good condition.

Inside an active volcano - Merapi (7756647556)
Inside an active volcano – Merapi volcanoe. Jimmy McIntyre – Editor HDR One Magazine, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can also do the Merapi Lava Tour: for 2 hours, you can rent a jeep with driver for 350,000 rupees and visit the Merapi volcano and its surroundings. The jeep can carry 3 to 5 people, and the tour includes a visit to Museum Sisa Hartaku, a small museum showing the damage caused by previous eruptions of the Merapi volcano: old motorcycles, clothes, objects and furniture that have more or less resisted the eruption…

Merapi Volcano during sunrise 2019
Merapi Volcano during sunrise. Desember01, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To be able to admire the sunrise, you have to get up and leave very early from Yogyakarta. Count about 1h30 for the car trip to the bottom of the volcano, and about 4h for the hike. Once at the top, the sunrise offers a magnificent and unforgettable spectacle. After so much effort for the ascent, the reward is all the more beautiful!

To book, you can go directly through a local agency on site at the entrance to Mount Merapi.

3. Watch the sunset at Prambanan Temple

Classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Prambanan Temple is a set of 240 temples that were built in the 9th century. This site includes 4 main temples and several small ruined temples. It is a large site that requires at least 2 good hours of visit if you are on foot (you can also visit the site by bike).

Candi Prambanan sebagai Peninggalan Agama HinduCandi Prambanan. Ridwanpurwantobatam, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

You can spend hours admiring the carved bas-reliefs that tell of the lives of Hindu gods. The temple is all the more magnificent to visit at sunset and at the end of the day there are fewer people. As for the Borobudur temple, don’t forget your student card to benefit from a 50% discount!

Prambanan Complex 1
Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta. Gunawan Kartapranata, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Address: Kranggan, Bokoharjo, Prambanan, Sleman Regency
Hours: daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission: IDR 325,0000 /person (IDR 162,500 if you have your student card)

4. Ullen Sentalu Museum

The private museum, founded in 1994, displays relics and objects of royal houses and kratons of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta and Mangkunegara.

It takes 1 hour drive from Yogyakarta city. This museum is well maintained and very clean, the guide was welcoming, knowledgeable and fun, their art collection was wonderful. I really liked the paintings. Entrance ticket was not expensive even for foreign tourists. And yes, it’s forbidden to take pictures inside but hey, that’s fine. It was a pleasant day.

The museum, founded in 1994, displays relics and objects§ of royal houses and kratons of Java, such as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta and Mangkoenegara.

Admission: IDR 100,000 (International visitor) IDR 40,000 (Domestic/regular visitor/kitas).

Museum Ullen Sentalu Halaman
Ullen Sentalu Museum courtyard. Hernawanwan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ullen Sentalu Museum Featured Collection

In 2014 the Department of Culture for the Special Region of Yogyakarta published a book containing the superior collections of museums in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, including the superior collection owned by the Ullen Sentalu Museum. The featured collections of the Ullen Sentalu Museum are as follows:

  • Jumenengan’s painting, this painting depicts the sacred dance procession of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, namely the Bedhaya dance which is performed once a year in commemoration of the sultan’s coronation.
  • Paes Ageng Clothing Painting, this painting shows the details of a woman’s wedding dress complete with Paes Ageng make-up.
  • Batik with the Urang Wetan motif, this cloth was once worn by the empress of KGPAA Paku Alam X named GBRAAy Retno Puwasa.

Sources: PinterPandai, Red Fedora Diary, The Travel Author

Photo credit (main picture): Gunawan Kartapranata (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Have you booked your villa in Seminyak center?

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Book Your Private Villa


Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or on a romantic getaway, villa Carissa in Seminyak center offers the perfect base for exploring Bali’s many attractions and enjoying a relaxing vacation.

Carissa villa in seminyak
Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

Fun Water Activities in Bali For You to Try or Re-Try

There is no limit to have fun in this tropical island called Bali, often called the Land of the Gods. Bali truly has everything one could want for a vacation. The culture, the art, the traditions, the food and more simply the warmth of the people, the shining sun and the sand tickling your feet would be enough to make anyone depressed at the thought of leaving this sublime destination. You can take your stay to the next level with fun water sports activities in Bali, such as: jet ski, flying fish, parasailing, banana boat and flyboard…

Although many imagine partying in Seminyak or lazing on the beach during an island vacation, the daredevil flock to the island for more than fun in the sun. It takes a lot of courage to venture into the world of extreme water sports and pleasures. But being in Bali, you simply cannot fail to try at least one of these thrilling water activities.


Beware, bumps, bruises and scratches will probably show up but they will be totally worth it!

Remember, it is important to warm up before a session to prevent possible injuries and to stay well hydrated in order to limit the aches that are commonplace… Combining strength, agility and flexibility, fun watersports are excellent way to discover sliding sports and work on lateral balance.

Choose from different water sports activities: Flying fish, Jet Ski, Parasailing, Banana boat and Flyboard.

There are many fun water sports organising companies you can choose from, visit each of the official websites and select which one suits you the best. Here are some of the most enjoyable water sports you can experience in Bali:

1. Tanjung Benoa

The locals and international tourists love to do jet ski in Tanjung Benoa because of the calm seawater, and the waves are insignificant. The best conditions to do Fun Water Activities in Bali.

For example, in Jalan Pratama Benoa (Pratama Street), you will find many watersports companies. You can visit the website of Wira Watersports to give you many ideas for fun water sports activities in Bali. Try such as: jet ski, flying fish, parasailing, banana boat and flyboard…

2. Nusa Dua

This excursion will allow you to get your adrenaline pumping by participating in different water sports activities on a beach in Nusa Dua.

You will have the option of parasailing or taking a Flyboard or jetpack for a thrilling ride as you soar over the blue waters. The underwater walking activity will allow you to explore the underwater world by descending up to 7 meters (23ft) below the surface. You can practice other popular activities such as jet-skiing or take a high-speed ride on a banana boat.

3. Sanur

In the east part of Bali, you will find several fun water sports activities in this area. The beaches around Sanur is reputable for families who wants to do fun water sports activities in Bali.

4. Nusa Penida (1 hour boat ride from Sanur)

You can do some watersports to in this part of island such as: jet ski, flying fish, parasailing, banana boat and flyboard… For diving, please click here. Or for snorkelling, please click here.

5. Nusa Lembongan (1 hour boat ride from Sanur)

You can do some watersports to in this part of island such as: jet ski, flying fish, parasailing, banana boat and flyboard… For diving, please click here. Or for snorkelling, please click here.


Prices are approximately only (only for information).

Duration: 2 hours
€15 Parasailing
€11 Banana Boat
€23 Jet Ski with instructor
€23 Fly Fish
€26 Wake Board
€84 Fly Board

Types of fun water sports activities in Bali

Travelers who venture into the heart of the islands of Indonesia are particularly attracted by the beauty of the waters. The nautical activities are numerous and will allow you to discover the destination from another angle.

It will be difficult to do everything, but you can do fun water sports activities in Bali. For examples: jet ski, flying fish, parasailing, banana boat, wakeboard and flyboard…

Jet ski

One of the best water sports, guaranteeing you thrills, is driving jet skis. One of the most popular water sports in Bali, Jet Skiing offers an adrenaline-pumping experience as you speed through the waves. Rent a jet ski and explore Bali’s beautiful coastline while enjoying the thrill of this activity.

To pilot a jet-ski, remember first of all that it is very important to put on a water sports suit and a safety vest. As soon as you get on your jet-ski, once in position, you put the key in the ignition and you turn. On the handlebar, there is a trigger at the level of the right handle.

The principle is simple, when you press the trigger the device accelerates and when you release it decelerates slowly.

On most models, the brake is non-existent and in truth, a jet ski does not need it. For turns, simply turn the handlebars in the desired direction and lean slightly if needed. If you have ever ridden a motorbike, you will easily ride a jet-ski. So give it a try!

Jet ski in Tanjung Benoa Bali
Fun water sports activity in Tanjung Benoa, Bali., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Parasailing is a must-try water sport activity in Bali that offers a spectacular view of the coastline. You will be harnessed to a parachute and pulled by a speedboat, soaring high above the ocean, and feeling the rush of the wind in your face.

Feeling the wing lifting us up on takeoff is a great feeling! And what a nice view… An original way to discover the place!

The principle of this activity to be practiced at sea is simple: the parachutist rises in the air hooked to a parachute sail from the ground or a body of water while being towed quickly by a motor boat. The air inflates the sail and take-off is done from the ground by climbing. It is possible to practice the activity alone or in tandem with an instructor.

At the end of the aerial course, the parachutist can unhook from the cable and descend gradually towards the ground. Landing is done in the water for a departure from a boat. Parasailing has the advantage of being much less dependent on weather conditions than sports parachuting or paragliding.

Parasailing in Tanjung Benoa
Parasailing in Tanjung Benoa, Bali. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


From May to October, the cliffs of the Bukit peninsula allow paragliding with a flight over the coast and a landing on the beach. A good way to enjoy the view and be amazed!

There are many clubs/companies offers several types of programs: 30-minute tandem tours (with a professional of course!); as well as lessons and courses ranging from 2 to 7 days.

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Paragliding. © Nevit Dilmen, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Discover the sensations of the Flyboard

The Flyboard is a relatively new water sport activity that is gaining popularity in Bali. It is a unique experience where you wear a pair of boots that are connected to a jet ski through a hose. The jet ski propels water through the hose and into the boots, allowing you to fly above the water and perform incredible stunts.

Close your eyes and imagine…

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and the cool spray on your face… You balance yourself, you come and go as you please and the jolts give you an exhilarating feeling. Open your eyes and you see, a few meters below you, turquoise water, bordered further by a fringe of sand. Yes, you are balancing in the air, happily riding a flyboard!

Lindsay McQueen making backflip with FlyBoard May, 2014
Lindsay McQueen making a trick called “backflip” with FlyBoard. Natashabelarus at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If it is not always easy to tame the jets of water which allow you to maintain yourself at a certain height, the feeling is nonetheless frankly delicious and promises a day of madness. In Nusa Dua, the Bali Jet Packs club allows you to learn about this breathtaking water sport. Count around US$ 75 for 15 to 20 minutes of pleasure!

Of course, windsurfing, discovery by boat, jet-ski and other surf clubs await you in Nusa Dua… Lovers of nautical activities and sensations, do not hesitate any longer: this is where your happiness lies!

Stand up paddle board (SUP)

Stand up paddle boarding, or SUP, is a fun and popular activity in Bali that offers a unique way to explore the island’s beautiful waters.

Paddleboarding in Bali is a fun way to ride the waves. The best thing about it is that you don’t have to catch a wave like you would while surfing, or go through the hassle of paddling by hand and then having to wait for the perfect wave.


In an equally exciting atmosphere, Windsurfing, or windsurfing, is intended for people wishing to enjoy a moment of solitude. Alone on your board, whose mast is pushed by the wind, become the master on board and tame the capricious waters of the ocean. The speed will also be there and the wind will be your main thing.

Bali offers several locations where you can try stand up paddle boarding. Some popular spots include Sanur Beach, Echo Beach, Seminyak Beach, and Jimbaran Bay. Each location offers different conditions and experiences, so it’s best to research and choose the one that suits your preferences.

Stand up paddle boarding is an eco-friendly activity that allows you to explore Bali’s waters without damaging the environment. Make sure to follow the rules and guidelines set by the local authorities to ensure the protection of Bali’s marine life and natural resources.


Kitesurfing is a thrilling and popular activity in Bali, attracting adventurers from around the world.

It may not be as popular as regular surfing, but it can definitely take your wave surfing thrills to the next level. Kitesurfing combines surfing with some elements of wakeboarding, and even a bit of kiteboarding. With a little practice, you’ll be able to accelerate and fly over the waves with grace and effortlessness.

Bali offers several locations where you can try kitesurfing, including Sanur Beach, Nusa Dua, and Canggu. Each location offers different conditions, so it’s best to research and choose the one that suits your skill level and preferences.

Kitesurfing Sotavento
Kitesurfing. Chrumps, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kitesurfing is a sporting activity that consists of sliding on the water being towed by a kite wing attached to a harness. The kite wing is pushed by the wind and thanks to a board the practitioner navigates by sliding on the water. This sport is clearly considered a water sport. It’s important to follow the rules and guidelines set by the local authorities and instructors. Make sure to wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet and life jacket, and avoid kitesurfing in crowded areas or near obstacles.

Underwater walk (Sea walking)

Have you ever wondered how majestic the underwater fauna is? Take a walk on the seabed of Bali and discover the estuary! Tourists are equipped with all the necessary safety equipment to explore the vast sea and observe marine life and coral reefs up close. Underwater walk is suitable for all ages and skill levels, as no swimming or diving experience is required. However, you should be comfortable walking in water and able to follow the instructions given by the guide.

Compared to other water sports, such as snorkeling or scuba diving, sea walking is a little less difficult. Participants wear a waterproof helmet and use a 6 meter (19.6 ft) ladder for the descent. This activity does not require any diving skills. It is perfect for those who want to experience the ocean without the hassle of diving and it is also suitable for non-swimmers.

Water sports place in Bali for underwater walk: Sanur or Tanjung Benoa

Bali offers several locations where you can try underwater walk, including Sanur, Tanjung Benoa, and Nusa Lembongan. Each location offers a different experience, so it’s best to research and choose the one that suits your preferences.

Give yourself a chance to walk the sea in Sanur or Tanjung Benoa and discover the myriads of fish and coral reefs of the deep sea!

There are several organizers of walk under the sea in Bali. After a boat ride to the reefs, participants don shoes and helmets, which are powered by oxygen tanks on board the boat, providing them with a constant flow of air to breathe underwater.

At 7 meters (23 ft) deep, you can interact freely with the fish while supervising guides in scuba gear watch over you and hand out fish food to attract triggerfish, angelfish, and more other species.

Underwater walk is a unique and exciting way to experience Bali’s marine life. It’s a safe and easy activity suitable for all ages and skill levels. Make sure to add underwater walk to your Bali itinerary for a memorable underwater adventure.

Banana boat

Do you want to know which of your friends or family has less balance and will fall in front of the water?

It’s a thrilling ride where you’ll ride the waves on a banana-shaped inflatable pulled by a motorboat.

If you’re looking for a fun activity to do with friends or family, try the Banana Boat ride. You will ride on an inflatable banana-shaped raft, towed by a speedboat. As the speedboat accelerates, the raft will bounce across the waves, providing laughter and thrills.

The banana boat allows up to 12 people at a time (or more), making it the perfect adventure to share with your group of friends. Fun is guaranteed!

The Banana Boat is a giant inflatable banana shaped boat that is dragged by a speedboat.

Someone will be in charge of operating the boat to pull the banana boat and taking you through 30 minutes of fun and adventure on the banana, on the waves, with unexpected turns, jumps and overturning attempts!

Flying fish

The Flying Fish is a unique and thrilling activity that is perfect for those seeking a challenge. You will sit on an inflatable raft that is pulled by a speedboat, and as it picks up speed, the raft will lift off the water and fly in the air, giving you a feeling of flight.

The fly fish or “flying fish”, is actually a large inflatable buoy towed and connected to a 115 HP boat by a rope. By gaining speed, the buoy rears up and flies away and can even reach up to 5 m (16.5 ft) in height and hover over 40 m (131 ft).


Wakeboarding is a thrilling water sport activity that you can enjoy in Bali.

You have probably heard of wakeboarding, this sport that many people practice during the summer or during a trip abroad. But then what exactly is wakeboarding?

Initially practiced behind a boat, new means of traction flourish such as the cable, water skiing, jet-skiing or even the thermal winch. From these varied supports are born different schools – wave to wave, blockages, obstacles, urban wakeboarding – even if the basic principle remains the same: that of sliding on the water towed by a rope and a spreader bar.

We sometimes confuse wakeboarding with kitesurfing, for which we use the same type of equipment but which is practiced using a traction wing.

Bali offers several wakeboarding spots, such as Tanjung Benoa, Sanur, and Nusa Dua. Each location offers a different experience, so it’s best to research and choose the one that suits your preferences.

If you’re looking for an adrenaline-packed activity in Bali, be sure to add wakeboarding to your itinerary.

With such a diverse range of water sports, Bali ensures that there’s never a dull moment for thrill-seekers and water lovers alike. Remember to prioritize safety and choose reputable operators for your water adventures. Have a blast!

Photo credit (main picture): 3345557 via Pixabay

Things To Do in Bali and What to Visit, Where To Go While Vacationing in Bali? (Top Attractions)

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What to do and visit in Bali for 2 weeks

Do you want to visit Bali? Know what to see in Bali? You don’t know how to get there or where to sleep in Bali during your stay? re you looking for 2 Weeks Itinerary in Bali? We give you in this article all the good tips to know where to go in Bali, what to do or how to get around when you are on the island so that you have a wonderful stay.

Do you have 2 weeks ahead of you and want to get to know Bali? Would you also like to have a good time? This itinerary in the heart of Bali is the right one!
From the hustle and bustle of big cities to more remote places off the beaten track, you are going to experience incredible moments. After this trip, you will know Bali like the back of your hand… or almost!

Summary of 2 Weeks Itinerary in Bali

3 Nights in The Bukit Peninsula and Uluwatu, in the very south of Bali

The Bukit Peninsula and Uluwatu, in the very south of Bali (3 nights): Thomas Beach and Padang Padang beaches, visit to Uluwatu temple and Kecak dance show, paragliding over Nyang Nyang beach, sunset, trendy bars.

4 Nights in Ubud in the center of Bali

Ubud in the center of Bali (4 nights): center of Ubud town (palace, market, …), visit to the Monkey Forest, Teggalalang rice fields, Pura Tirta Empul (temple of sacred water), Pura Gunung Kawi , Goa Gajah, Tegenungan Waterfall.
From Ubud to Munduk: Jatiluwih Rice Terraces, Beratan Bedugul Temple.
Read also: Ubud Complete Travel Guide

2 Nights in Munduk in the North of the island

Munduk in the North of the island (2 nights): hike to the 3 waterfalls, green landscapes

3 Nights in Nusa Lembongan, a small island east of Bali

Nusa Lembongan, a small island east of Bali (3 nights): rest, stroll through Yellow Bridge, Dream Beach, Devil’s tears, Mushroom Bay, Lembongan Beach…

2 Nights in Seminyak, near the beach and the airport

Seminyak, near the beach and the airport (2 nights): beach, surfing initiation, beach bars, shopping…

+ Tips: For these two weeks in Bali and if you have to do it again, maybe you would change a few points on this itinerary, or if you vae more time, you would have gone to Amed (diving/snorkelling) and Sidemen (hiking). And of course, if you have more times, you can visit gili islands in Lombok!

Read also: Activities in Bali with children | What to do in Bali with kids?

Seminyak Beach at sunset
Seminyak Beach at sunset. Christophe95, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Details of of 2 Weeks Itinerary in Bali

3 Nights in The Bukit Peninsula and Uluwatu, in the very south of Bali

— Bukit Peninsula and Uluwatu —
You can spend your first days in Bali on the Bukit Peninsula. For example you can do paragliding above Nyang Nyang beach.

What to do and see in Bukit and Uluwatu?


Try to watch Kecak dance. Uluwatu Temple is very famous and it will be very crowded, especially around sunset time. You can’t get to the temple at the edge of the cliff though. But the view of the cliffs is fantastic!

When at the Kecak show, it’s very touristy but when you’re in Bali, you should try to watch it. The Kecak dance is a traditional Balinese dance that combines vocal chanting, percussive sounds, and synchronized movements performed by a group of dancers.

Watch out for your belongings and the monkeys, we saw a man trying desperately to recover glasses stolen by a monkey and the latter was very aggressive. In the monkey/man duel, I believe that the monkey wins hands down.

Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple access: IDR 50k with sarongs (€3.20)
Show access: IDR 100k per person (€6.45)
Schedule of the show: 6 p.m. – end 7 p.m. (plan to settle in the bleachers before 5:45 p.m.)
Drive from the hotel to the temple with waiting for the driver to pick us up after the show (and even queue to buy us tickets while we went to see the cliffs): IDR 150k Rp (€ 9.60)

Pura Luhur Uluwatu 1998 02
Sunset at Uluwatu Temple (Pura Luhur), Bali, Indonesia. LBM1948, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Thomas Beach: a stone’s throw from our accommodation, Thomas Beach is quite small but very pleasant. You have to go down the stairs, and it’s a great discovery! It takes 100k Rp (6.5€) for a parasol and two mattresses for the day, and 100k to rent a surfboard. Be careful here there are corals and it cuts! Better to take a teacher for beginners.

Padang Padang

Close to Thomas Beach, you have the better known beach of Padang Padang. On the other hand it is small and paying. So we saw her from afar. On the Bukit Peninsula, there are also other beaches further north to discover: Bingin Beach or Dreamland Beach.

Nyang Nyang Beach

Large deserted beach where swimming is not recommended, the waves are quite strong. You can take a dip by the sea but watch out for the waves. To access this beach, you will have to come here by scooter or by car (IDR 100k from Uluwatu or possibly cheaper by Grab). We mainly came here for the paragliding with Nyang Nyang paragliding. Prices are lower than in West Europe (€65 for 10min, €96 for 15min, with video). Depending on the season, it is rather at the beginning of the afternoon that the wind is optimal. The view is breathtaking on the cliffs and the beach of Nyang Nyang!

A temple of legend Tanah Lot

The temple of Tanah Lot has thus become one of the 7 temples of the Sea which border the island of Bali. These seven temples have the function of protecting the island of the Gods from any bad influence coming from the waves, and have the particularity of being always visible from at least one of the other temples of the Sea.

Today, Pura Tanah Lot is one of the most popular religious buildings on the island, and also the most visited. Right next to the temple, a “tourist village” has been created in order to stem the flow of daily visitors to the sacred site. Sportswear shops, crafts, various clothes, the main street offers everything you need for an entire afternoon of shopping! The sunset is a particularly appreciated moment on this site, which also offers the possibility of enjoying a dinner in a restaurant in height.

Tanah Lot Bali | Temples Bordering the Indian Ocean

Our little secret…
Shhh, don’t tell anyone! The Pura Batu Bolong, located 10 minutes walk from the Tanah Lot temple, is just as impressive as its neighbor and much less crowded! Of more modest size, it is perched on a ledge plunging into the Indian Ocean. During the Melasti celebrations, a few days before the Balinese New Year, hundreds of pilgrims come to deposit earthly offerings intended for the marine deities.


Cliff House (a stone’s throw from Thomas Beach): Free entry but to have a mattress you have to consume at least IDR 1.5 million rupees (€96) which is not cheap! Fortunately, you can have a drink, eat a good pizza, which is rare because it is rare, and even swim, staying near the restaurant/bar.

Single Fin Beach Club: Ideal place for a drink at sunset. Young and modern atmosphere with a large swimming pool with a view. Incredible sunset ♥! A nice favorite to end our second day at Uluwatu in Bali!
Reasonable drink prices with beers at IDR 50k or € 3.20. Inquire for the price to access the swimming pool.

Read also: Best Beach Clubs in Bali | Best Spots in Top Destinations for Beach Club Hopping

4 Nights in Ubud in the center of Bali

In this 2 weeks Itinerary in Bali, you can take a private driver (the owner of the hotel) who took us to all the main places to visit around Ubud town. It was a day that started at 9 a.m. and ended at 6 p.m., a big 9 a.m. day of discoveries. Price of the day for two: IDR 600k Rp (€38) but if you go there by yourself by scooter or on an organized tour, you can get better prices.

Rice fields of Tegallalang

Rice fields yes, but very touristy. To enter, you have to make a donation, to continue the route too. Ideal for those who want Instagram photos, wicker nests, swings, heart, “I love Bali” sign, finally the total :). Otherwise do not spend too much time there and go to Jatiluwih.

Pura Tirta Empul Holy water temple

A beautiful temple with basins in which holy water springs flow. The entrance is a few euros with the rental of sarongs. And if you want to purify your soul, for a few extra euros we can lend you a sarong to go into the water and a locker to put your things in. Of course it is not a temple for tourists but primarily a temple for believers.

Rice Fields in Ubud Indonesia Bali - panoramio (8)
Rice Fields in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Michelle Maria, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Gunung Kawi Temple and Goa Gajah Temple

We really liked the first one which is surrounded by rice fields! It is one of the oldest temples in Bali. At the bottom a statue shop in which I fell for 2 pretty typical Balinese statues of Sita (Balinese goddess) for €12.

Tegenungan waterfall

This waterfall is very beautiful and very touristy. Some even bathe!

Read also: Best Waterfalls in Bali | Discovering the Natural Beauty and Wonders

— Ubud & its surroundings —

To continue our itinerary, we joined Ubud, a must for a stay in Bali which appears in all itineraries, and above all a central place to shine in the surroundings. Many restaurants and cafes, shops, markets, the center of Ubud teems with life. But also tourists and traffic is heavy.

What to do and see in Ubud and its surroundings?


For your first day in Ubud you can visit the Ubud Palace, the Lotus Café, the Ubud market, have a drink and have dinner in the evening in one of the many restaurants in town. Also, the Monkey Forest is located 1km from the center of Ubud.

Ubud Palace: Admission to Ubud Palace is free. Pretty temples, decorated statues, which can be visited quickly.

Monkey Forest: this place is very well known because it is a sanctuary for monkeys. We went very early and so much the better because the monkeys were not very aggressive, eating or having fun kicking stones (which was quite funny, it looks like they were all trying to make a fire!). But when a monkey sees something sticking out of your bag, he wants to grab it and jump on you. Price of entry at IDR 50k (€3.20).

Restaurants in Ubud: very good restaurants and bars including Café Wayan, and many others for everyone (vegetarians, etc.). You can try the Babi Guling in Oka (suckling pig, specialty), but nothing more.

Massage: Balinese massage is known all over the world, a little softer than Thai massage but with a firm hand, you can do a 1 hour Balinese massage between IDR 100k and 150k.


For example you can take a private driver (the owner of the hotel) who took us to all the main places to visit around Ubud town. You can start at 9 a.m. and ended at 6 p.m., a big 9 a.m. day of discoveries. Price of the day for two: IDR 600k (€38) but if you go there by yourself by scooter or on an organized tour, you can get better prices.

Rice fields of Tegallalang: rice fields yes, but very touristy. To enter, you have to make a donation, to continue the route too. Ideal for those who want Instagram photos, wicker nests, swings, heart, “I love Bali” sign, finally the total :). Otherwise do not spend too much time there and go to Jatiluwih.

Pura Tirta Empul Holy water temple: a beautiful temple with basins in which holy water springs flow. The entrance is a few Euros with the rental of sarongs. And if you want to purify your soul, for a few extra euros we can lend you a sarong to go into the water and a locker to put your things in. It was not very hot but I tried the experience in the pools, plunging our head under the sacred water ♥. Of course it is not a temple for tourists but primarily a temple for believers.

Gunung Kawi Temple and Goa Gajah Temple: you may really liked the first one which is surrounded by rice fields! It is one of the oldest temples in Bali. At the bottom a statue shop in which you’ll find for 2 pretty typical Balinese statues of Sita (Balinese goddess) for €12.

Tegenungan waterfall: this waterfall is very beautiful and very touristy. Some even bathe!


From the city of Ubud, it is easy to organize an excursion to climb Mount Batur. It will be from Ubud that you will take the least time to reach the foot of the Batur volcano. The volcano is active but has not erupted since 2000. It is the second highest volcano on the island of Bali after Mount Agung, which erupted in 2017 and has since been closed to the public.

>> Climbing Mount Batur in Bali it’s a must do! <<

The ascent of Mount Batur is done at night. Departure from Ubud at 2:30 am, arrival on site at 3:30 am, time for hot tea and banana fritters. And around 4h-4h30 you can start the ascent. It takes approximately between 1h30 and 2h to climb. It is not too difficult for people in physical condition. Personally, you can climbed it slowly in 1h45, without rushing because you may not get enough sleep.

The most difficult thing is to climb at night and not see the route. At the top, the other hikers wait for the sunrise trying to warm up with the breakfasts served by the guides (bananas, cereal bars, tea) and even eggs cooked in the volcano’s steam. Sunrise above the clouds: a magical little moment ♥!

Going down is easier than going up, because you can finally see where you are stepping. In 45min you descended with your guide. And after the ascent, you have the opportunity to go to the hot springs! And frankly it is only happiness to dive into its hot water pools with a view of the lake. You must of course choose this option with your organizer.

Read also: Itinerary in Bali, Lombok and Gilis in 3 Weeks Stay

2 Nights in Munduk in the North of the island

— From Ubud to Munduk —

For this day trip between Ubud and Munduk, you can opt for a shared vehicle with someone. Already it does not allow not to be 2 + the driver, but to have the car full (Price of the day in transport: IDR 400k). Leaving from Ubud towards Ubud, you can decide to make 2 stops: the rice fields of Jatiluwih and the temple of Beratan. You could also stopped at a coffee plantation and drink Luwak coffee.

Let us explain: Luwak coffee is one of the best in Bali (apparently) and also one of the most expensive in the world, but do you know how it is produced? These are civets, kinds of large rodents, which consume the cherries of the coffee tree, digest their pulp but not their stones, which are found in the animal’s excrement. Then the kernels are cleaned, dried, and it makes good coffee! So in terms of animal exploitation it’s not too friendly!

The rice fields of Jatiluwih: it’s an absolute hit ♥, I loved walking in these rice fields! You can even cycle through them! Price: IDR 40k.
Beratan Temple: This is a beautiful temple by the water. Price: 50k Rp. If possible add the Bali Botanical Garden which is not far away!
The superb rice terraces of Jatiluwih

— Munduk in the North —

Munduk is the best known of Bali’s mountain villages, set in beautiful green hills. Even if the village is quite small and located on the side of the road, strolling around the area, you find yourself in peace, and I liked it. It’s not very hot, rather chilly in the evening, so the pool (unless it’s heated), isn’t much use. And then if you are too hot, you can always try to swim in a waterfall, there are plenty around Munduk. The Munduk region is also known for its coffee plantations but also its cultivation of cloves, which mainly end up in cigarettes.


The hike to the 3 waterfalls starts in the center of Munduk at the Taman Ayu Homestay, where you just have to take the small path. And then continue on the main path. It is not very well indicated but do not panic! We had read that there may be dogs, but we mostly saw hens and their chicks. A beautiful day of walking through the waterfalls (allow 4 hours even more time to return).

1. Melanting Waterfall: a beautiful and high waterfall!
321 steps down (and up)
137 steps after to go to waterfall 2.

2. Labuan Kebo Waterfall: a wide waterfall
170 steps to get to Labuan Kebo waterfall
10,000 Rp to pay to access each waterfall

3. And to finish the Red Coral, and if you still have a little courage, go to the eco café a little further.

3 Nights in Nusa Lembongan, a small island east of Bali

— The island of Nusa Lembongan in the east of Bali —
To get to Nusa Lembongan: taxi from Munduk to Sanur town (2h30 trip) for IDR 500k (you can booke through Munduk hotel), then boat from Sanur to Mushroom Bay beach in Nusa Lembongan for around IDR 200k (book with Lembongan hotel) then the transportation company will take you to your hotel.

The boat trip between Sanur and Nusa Lembongan lasts 45min through the Marlin boat company. In Lembongan you can collect seaweed, which once transformed, becomes an emulsifier to thicken ice cream.

You can stay near Jungutbatu beach and the island being small, you can walk, and sometimes you can take a taxi to save time. You can go to the Yellow Bridge which provides access to the tiny island of Nusa Ceningan. Returning to the west on Nusa Lembongan, you will discover the pretty beach of Dream Beach, and next to it the Devil’s Tear where the water bursts on the cliffs. Be careful, tourists may risk their lives for the perfect selfie.

Nusa Lembongan or Nusa Penida | What to choose between the two islands?

2 Nights in Seminyak, near the beach and the airport

Its beaches and numerous restaurants make any visit to Downtown Seminyak a real delight. And while you’re around, take the opportunity to stop at one of its most popular sites: Eat Street.

Stay in a luxury villa, indulge in a spa, treat yourself to designer clothes in an upscale boutique or simply relax on the beach in Seminyak, the chic alternative to bustling Kuta.

Looking for a 3-bedroom villa in Seminyak? Try Villa Carissa or you can Book online | Villa Carissa in Seminyak

On the road north to Seminyak from Kuta, either following the coast or via Jalan Legian, you will notice a change in mood. The beaches are quieter, the buildings more glitzy and the goods in the shops more expensive. All these differences have allowed Seminyak to forge its identity, that of a chic destination.

Read also: Why choose SEMINYAK during your trip to Bali?

You can easily spend an entire day shopping in Seminyak. Here you will find the most famous brands and independent boutiques. Prices are high compared to other parts of Bali, but still lower than those found in western countries. Jalan Laksmana is home to many designer boutiques, while at Seminyak Square you can pick up bargains away from the hustle and bustle of the high streets.

Come mealtime, Bali’s best restaurants, many located along Jalan Petitenget, will satiate your stomach. Lunch or dinner on a rooftop terrace is common here: order a cold beer or a cocktail and nonchalantly watch the hustle and bustle of the street.

To experience traditional Bali, head straight for the Temple of Petitenget, a typical ornate structure near the beach. Many religious ceremonies often take place there, sometimes down to the beach.

To regain your strength, book a treatment in the many wellness centers in the area. You can also go sunbathing on the beach where it is much easier to find a quiet spot than on the Kuta coast. Seminyak Beach offers some of the calmest waves on the island, ideal for trying your hand at surfing. Along Double Six Beach, you can indulge in horseback riding, enjoy a massage or sip a fresh fruit cocktail.

To get the most out of Seminyak, get around on foot. Traffic is often heavy and public transport is not very efficient. You can also rent a bicycle or moped or take a taxi from Seminyak Square.

Enjoy your stay in Bali! If you liked this 2 Weeks Itinerary in Bali or if you have any questions, leave us a comment below!

Extra… 2 weeks itinerary in Bali


Like Munduk, Lovina is located in the north of the island, it is a destination which is also very famous for its magnificent natural landscapes, and in particular its waterfalls. Lovina Beach and makes it the name of a set of villages located on the north coast. From these villages, several hiking routes allow you to explore the region.

In Lovina, you will also have the opportunity to go to sea to see dolphins. Tourism represents one of the main sources of income for the inhabitants of this region, but the places have nevertheless managed to retain a certain authenticity.

During the few days that you’ll in Lovina, you will be able to take excursions in the mountains and in the heart of the coffee plantations, discover magnificent sites like the waterfall of Gitgit and relax in the hot springs. Lovina is also one of the best places to practice diving in Bali. Near the villages, you can visit Singajara, the former capital of the island, which notably houses the largest Buddhist temple in Bali.


Amed is one of the increasingly popular destinations in Indonesia. Located at the eastern end of Bali, this village is relatively isolated. You will not regret making the trip, especially since the road that will take you there will take you through some beautiful places. Before arriving in this charming fishing village, you will come across beaches, rice fields and sumptuous palaces.

Amed is located just at the foot of the Agung volcano, one of the volcanoes of Bali 🙂 If this place attracts more and more people, it is for several reasons. In the surroundings, you can enjoy superb beaches, such as Lipah Beach, Jemeluk and Virgin Beach.

Amed is a fishing village on the east coast of Bali with beautiful volcanic black sand beaches, where there are several spots for snorkeling and scuba diving to see fish, corals, and blue starfish.

For those who do scuba diving, it is also possible to see the Liberty wreck in the village of Tulemben which is not far from Amed.
Late afternoon you could take a nice ride in a traditional fisherman’s boat for fishing and watch the sun set behind Mount Agung

Amed Bali | A Little Paradise To Discover Absolutely On The Island of the Gods

Speaking of volcanoes, we advise you to climb the Batur volcano rather than Agung if you only have to do one 🙂 It is simpler and the view is magnificent in the early morning!

Jemeluk Beach is a beach of pebbles and black volcanic sand which is probably not the most attractive beach in Bali, but which turns out to be a true paradise for diving enthusiasts. Its clear water and very rich seabed make it one of the best diving spots in Indonesia.

Spending a few days in Amed is the perfect opportunity to discover some of the most beautiful buildings in Bali, such as the Taman Soekasada Ujung water palace, the Tirta Gangga water palace and the Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang temple.


To end this 2-week stay in Bali, return to the south of the island, to spend the few remaining days just ten kilometers from the airport. The coastal village of Legian is located between two major tourist towns: Seminyak and Kuta. These three localities are also connected by the famous beach of Kuta Beach, a very long beach which is particularly popular with surfers.

Legian is a fairly popular seaside destination, where you can rest enjoying golden sandy beaches and practicing a lot of water activities.

The center of Legian is one of the best places where you can do a little shopping in Bali. You will find many small local and artisanal shops, as well as large brands. In this village there are also many cafes and restaurants, where you can spend lively and festive evenings in a friendly atmosphere.

If you want to see the 3 weeks itinerary in Bali: Itinerary in Bali, Lombok and Gilis in 3 Weeks Stay

Photo credit (main picture): Febriamar / Pixabay

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The Off the Beaten Track Adventure From Bali to Komodo Island

This itinerary from Bali to Komodo island is made of unforgettable adventures and discoveries: ideal for holidays with family or friends!

Between its pink sand beaches, its hikes on green hills and volcanoes, and its incredible diving spots, Komodo National Park is a real treasure for travelers in search of magnificent landscapes and unforgettable adventures. Not to mention the famous Komodo dragons, to see absolutely once in your life! Komodo National Park includes the three large islands of Komodo, Rinca and Radar as well as many other small islets that are full of breathtaking landscapes, stunning seabed and animals that you will not see anywhere else. Follow this guide to organize a successful stay in Komodo!

In 1991, the park was included in the list of World Heritage and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO since 1977.

See Komodo, the world’s largest lizard, in their natural habitat with this tour from Bali. You’ll fly to Flores Island and cruise to Rinca Island, part of Komodo National Park, where you’ll have the chance to see the gargantuan creatures up close. This package includes two nights of accommodation, breakfast and lunch over two days, and the services of a local guide.

Sea meets dry land in Komodo
The Komodo island doesn’t get much rain, creating a unique and somewhat rugged land that stands out against the vibrant green ocean waters. Andre Aquino, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Most people come to Komodo National Park to see the biggest lizard in the world, the Komodo dragon. These dragons live on specific islands like Komodo, Rinca, Gili Motang, Gili Dasami, and Flores.

The largest group of Komodo dragons, about 2,000 of them, can be found on Flores island. The next biggest population, around 1,700 dragons, lives on Komodo island. If you get the chance to see a Komodo dragon hunting and catching its food, you’ll see just how strong and important they are.

How to go from Bali to Komodo Island and what are the prices?

To travel from Bali to Komodo Island, you can take a flight from Ngurah Rai International Airport (DPS) in Bali to Komodo Airport (LBJ) in Labuan Bajo, Flores. The flight duration is approximately 1 to 1.5 hours. Once you arrive in Labuan Bajo, you can take a boat or a ferry to Komodo Island.

1. Go Labuan Bajo? (starting point for cruises to visit the Komodo Islands)

Labuan Bajo is the starting point for cruises to visit the Komodo Islands. There are two ways to get there: by plane, it’s fast, comfortable. Or by boat, but it is longer and the crossing can be dangerous.

By airplane
A) From Bali to Komodo Island by plane, then ferry

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes. Cost: fares start at IDR 469,000 (US$31.50)
From Bali Airport (DPS) to Labuan Bajo (LBJ) Airport, it takes 1h 10mn.
From Labuan Bajo ferry terminal to Komodo National Park it takes (2h 30min by ferry once a day).

What airline companies run services from Bali and Komodo Island?

If you are boarding an international flight, the island is accessible via Jakarta on the island of Java, or via Denpasar in Bali (DPS airport). From these 2 cities, you can then take a domestic flight to Labuan Bajo in Flores, this is the airport and the departure city for tours to visit the Komodo Islands. A flight from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo will take about 2.5 hours while a flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo only takes an hour.

B) Flights from Lombok to Labuan Bajo

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Cost: fares start at IDR 703,000 (US$47.50)
For some years there has also been a daily flight from Lombok to Labuan Bajo, operated by Lion Air/Wings Air.

C) Flights from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo

Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes
Cost: fares start at IDR 1,200,000 ($81)
Direct flights from Jakarta to Labuan Bajo are operated by Lion Air and Citilink. The duration of the trip is around 2h15 and fares start from IDR 1,200,000 ($81).

D) Flights from Surabaya to Labuan Bajo

Duration: 1h30.
Cost: fares start at IDR 630,000 ($42.50).
The flight between Surabaya and Labuan Bajo only takes 1.5 hours. Batik Air operates a daily direct flight that departs at 11:10 am from Juanda de Surabaya airport.

Notes: flight fares can vary depending on the airline, time of booking, and class.

By boat (ferry)

Less comfortable, long but more economical option: you can also get to Labuan Bajo by boat from Bali or Lombok and then by bus. But this alternative is not recommended because of the very fluctuating schedules, the length of the journey (36 hours minimum) and above all the discomfort and insecurity of the ferry.

The slow ferry departs from Lombok from Lembar port to Labuan Bajo, the crossing lasts 27 hours, departure at 5 p.m. and arrival at 8 p.m. the next day. The price is IDR 236,000 (around USD 15 or AUD 23), reservation possible on the PELNI website.

Another alternative if you have more time is to take a multi-day boat trip from Lombok, an island just east of Bali. But this cruise is long with uncomfortable boats. On this route the sea can be rough and accidents have been reported in the past.

2. How to get around in Flores?

You can choose to take a day trip which will allow you to visit the islands of Rinca and Padar in 1 day with a departure in the morning and a return in the late afternoon.

If you want to visit more, as well as other more remote islands then you will need to take a 2 to 4 day cruise depending on what you want to visit. You will therefore live aboard a boat for several days and sail from island to island, alternating visits to islands, beaches, snorkeling spots, hiking…

Komodo dragon at Komodo National Park
Komodo dragon at Komodo National Park. Adhi Rachdian from Indonesia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3. Prices for entering Komodo National Park, including entrance fees and activities

Here are the estimated general entrance fees for Komodo National Park, as well as the activity fees for both Indonesian and foreign visitors (valid from Monday to Sunday):

The general entrance fee to Komodo National Park is approximately:
  • For foreign visitors:
    • Monday – Saturday: IDR 150 000 (USD 9.55) / day / person
    • Sunday and national holidays IDR 225 000 (USD14.32) / day / person
  • For Indonesian visitors:
    • Monday – Saturday: IDR 5 000 (USD 0.32) / day / person
    • Sunday and national holidays IDR 7500 (USD 0.48) / day / person
The activity fees for Komodo National Park for Indonesian and foreign visitors (Monday-Sunday) are approximately:
  • Trekking: IDR 5000 (USD 0.32)
  • Wildlife viewing: IDR 10 000 (USD 064)
  • Snorkeling: IDR 15 000 (USD 0.96)
  • Diving: IDR 25 000 (USD 1.60)
  • Sport Fishing: IDR 25 000 (USD 1.60)
  • Photography: IDR 250 000 (USD 16)

The total fee is determined by adding up all the charges for the activities on your trip. For instance, a standard boat trip usually covers the main fee, hiking, seeing wildlife, snorkeling, and taking pictures.

Source: Official Instagram account of the Komodo National Park (in Indonesian Language)

The Komodo entrance fee covers a lot of amazing experiences:

Certified local guides will be with you, sharing their deep knowledge of the park’s plants, animals, and history. They’ll make sure you have an educational and enriching journey.

Meeting the Dragons
You’ll get to see the incredible Komodo Dragons, the world’s largest lizards, in their natural home. These impressive creatures, with their ancient look, big size, venom, and unique behavior, will leave you in awe and give you an unforgettable memory.

Beautiful Hiking Paths
Explore the stunning landscapes of Komodo National Park through its well-maintained hiking trails. Every step you take reveals a new wonder waiting to be found, from lovely hillsides to breathtaking views.

Snorkeling and Diving Fun
Jump into the colorful underwater world around the Komodo Islands. You’ll come across a dazzling array of vibrant coral reefs filled with sea life. Whether you’re snorkeling or diving, you’ll be amazed by this underwater paradise.

The reasons for this increase initiated by the government!

The Indonesian government explains this pricing decision with a report from the Ministry of Environment and Forests concluding that Komodo National Park would not be able to welcome more than 219,000 annual visitors.

It is true that since its inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1991 and since it was named one of the 7 natural wonders of the world in 2011, Komodo Island has been stormed by tourists of the whole world.

Is it dangerous to visit Komodo?

As for Komodo… that’s another story! There have been accidents before and they are potentially dangerous wild animals. Indeed, their saliva contains many bacterias and their bite can be fatal. In addition, they measure up to three meters long, weigh 150kg (330 lbs) and can run at more than 20 km/h (around 12 mp/h). Generally it does not make you want to rub it too much.

However, if you listen carefully to the instructions and don’t mess around, you should be fine. Listen to the rangers, stay in a group and in Indian thread, don’t make noise or sudden movements, stay away from the Komodo (5 meters or 16 feet seems appropriate) and everything will be fine. If you are bleeding or having your period, it seems that you should report it, because blood attracts Komodo dragons.

Activities and excursions in Komodo Island

Komodo National Park is largely a scuba diving destination without too much tourist infrastructure. The attraction is rather the incredible nature, so it is possible to do other activities during your stay, or for non-divers, such as:

  • Go hiking in the hills of the islands and around the Kelimutu volcano
  • Go visit the famous Komodo
  • Explore Flores Island sites (e.g. Python Cave)
  • Snorkeling on a day trip

There are several travel agencies in Labuan Bajo that can arrange all of these excursions.

1. See the Komodo dragons at Komodo island

The Komodo dragons are undoubtedly the main attraction of the island. Disturbing and fascinating at the same time, going to meet these mythical animals will make you live unforgettable moments. Other animals also invest these places, such as buffaloes, wild horses and deer.

Komodo Island is part of Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, in the Lesser Sunda island chain, Indonesia. It is famous for being home to the legendary Komodo dragon, the largest species of lizard on the planet.

It’s the only place in the world where you can see them in the wild, but Komodo has plenty more to offer. Komodo Island has amazing and varied landscapes – from white sand beaches to pink beaches, from tropical forests to grassy savannah hills.

It is also one of the best scuba diving destinations in Indonesia, with dozens of pristine reefs filled with colorful marine life. Along with over 1,000 species of fish, the waters around Komodo Island teem with whales, sea turtles, reef sharks and manta rays.

Sunrise on Komodo
Sunrise on Komodo Island, Indonesia. Jon Chia, source: FlickrSunrise on Komodo CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The many islands of Komodo National Park are scenic

The many islands of Komodo National Park are scenic and varied and the magnificent dragons are found on four different islands:

  • Komodo.
  • Rinca.
  • Gili Montong.
  • Gili Dasami.

In fact, Rinca Island is the best option for seeing dragons in the wild, as it is home to more Komodo dragons and is also closer to Labuan Bajo town, so easily accessible on an excursion. of a day with half a day of snorkeling on the reefs.

Planning to go to Komodo Island? It is quite easy to get there wherever you are in Indonesia. The first option is to fly to Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores and then take an organized boat tour to Komodo.

The second option is for more adventurous travellers: Take a 3-day, 2-night boat tour from the Gili Islands or Lombok to Flores with several stops (including Komodo) along the way. For many travelers, this is one of the best experiences of the whole trip to Indonesia!

2. Visit Komodo National Park Villages

The Komodo National Park is not just a single village but a protected area consisting of multiple islands, including Komodo Island. The villages around the park primarily serve the needs of the local communities and support tourism activities in the area. They offer accommodations, guides, and various services for visitors exploring the park and its surroundings.

KomodoNationalPark Village
One of four villages located in Komodo National Park. Actually it’s prohibited to built a residential area inside the National Park; however since these villages inhabited since early 1950, it’s not easy to relocate them. Danadi Sutjianto, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Komodo National Park Village, also known as Komodo Kampung, is a small village located on the northwestern coast of Komodo Island, the largest island in Komodo National Park, Indonesia. The village is situated in a sheltered bay with stunning views of the surrounding islands and the turquoise waters of the Komodo Strait.

Yes, you can visit some villages around the Komodo National Park. These villages often organize tours or welcome tourists who are exploring the area. To visit, you can arrange a tour through local guides or tour operators based in Labuan Bajo or nearby towns. They offer day trips or excursions that include visits to villages within the park.

As for prices, they can vary based on the specific tour, services included, and the village you intend to visit. It’s best to inquire with local tour agencies or guides for details on pricing and what each tour entails.

Within the vicinity of Komodo National Park, some villages are frequently visited by tourists. Here are a few:
  1. Kampung Komodo: A village on Komodo Island itself, inhabited by locals and known for its proximity to the Komodo dragons.
  2. Kampung Rinca: Located on Rinca Island, another spot to observe Komodo dragons and experience local village life.
  3. Kampung Melo: Found on Flores Island, this village offers cultural experiences and traditional weaving demonstrations.
  4. Kampung Baru: Situated near Labuan Bajo, this village provides insights into local life and craft-making.
  5. Kampung Komodo Kecil: Located on Komodo Kecil Island, a smaller island within the park, Kampung Komodo Kecil offers a secluded and authentic experience. It’s known for its traditional fishing practices and close connection to the natural environment.

These villages provide opportunities to experience the culture, traditions, and daily life of the people living in and around the Komodo National Park area.

3. Scuba dive to admire the underwater flora and fauna

Read also: Best Dive Spots in Bali: A Guide to the Best Underwater Wonders

Marine turtle komodo
Marine turtle in Komodo National Park. Nhobgood Nick Hobgood, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here is the list of the best dive sites on the island:

Manta Alley: this is the best place to observe the famous manta rays. This relatively shallow site, between 10 to 20 meters (30.80 – 60.60 ft), allows you to maximize the time spent underwater and make the most of the aquatic spectacle.

  • Batu Balong: its coral gardens are teeming with fish. Strong currents and steep drop-offs attract big fish like Napoleon wrasse and sharks at greater depths. Photographers will be able to capture unforgettable photos.
  • Golden Passage: This is a popular drift dive site close to Gili Lawa Darat. You can see corals, reef sharks, and sometimes even dolphins and manta rays.
  • Manta Point: this site offers the chance to dive with manta rays that come to feed in the current. This drift dive with strong current allows you to see white tip reef sharks, nasons and small squills.

A Flying Manta ray
A flying manta ray is filtering plankton by swimming against the current in Manta Point, Komodo National Park. Siharaditia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Explore the southwest coast of Nusa Penida, known for its captivating dive sites. One standout location is Batu Bolong, an iconic spot that promises a rich underwater experience. This legendary site, which even inspired the Warnakali restaurant logo, boasts abundant marine life, mesmerizing aquatic displays, and encounters with sharks, rays, and the elusive mola mola. Our divers’ stories of this unforgettable dive will leave a lasting impression on your memory.

Situated off the southern coast of Nusa Penida, Batu Bolong features a striking arch that’s often captured in photographs. To ensure a safe dive, it’s best explored during a rising tide with low swell conditions, keeping in mind the potential for strong currents and waves. The pinnacle offers glimpses of various pelagic species along the steep walls, while the walls themselves showcase a vibrant array of macro-life thriving among the stunning corals.

4. Go to Padar island

Padar Island is one of several islands scattered in the Komodo National Park area, this island has a shape with several bays, white and reddish beaches and several beautiful hilltops.

Padar Island is covered with savannah hills. Steep volcanic mountains covered with bushes and meadows lead to deep bays with beaches of different colors, popular with divers. Its three main turquoise bays have stunning beaches: one is white, another is charcoal black, and the other is soft pink. The black beach has a volcanic origin, while the pink consists of red coral mixed with white sand.

Pulau Padar 1Padar Island is the third largest island in the Komodo National Park area, after Komodo Island and Rinca Island. YUS JULIADI, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

One Fine Day at Komodo National Park
One of beach in Padar Island, located in Komodo National Park. Find your joys and calm feel, just by looking the nature here. Triayusept, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The best time is April-June and also the dry season; September-November. July and August are very crowded and December to March is too rainy. Padar is about 30 km (20 ml) from Labuan Bajo, a fishing town on the westernmost part of Flores. Take a 30 minute hike to the top of Padar to see the whole island.

With its diverse landscapes and mesmerizing vistas, Padar Island stands as a testament to the natural wonders that Indonesia has to offer.

Pulau Padar (West)
The view of Padar Island from the western coast. LukeTriton, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To reach Padar Island, you can follow these steps:

Many tour operators in Labuan Bajo offer guided tours to Padar Island as part of a package that includes other popular spots like Komodo Island and Rinca Island. This is a convenient way to explore the area.

If you prefer a more personalized experience, consider chartering a private boat. This option provides flexibility in terms of timing and allows you to customize your itinerary. Once you arrive at Padar Island, be prepared for a short but moderately challenging hike to the viewpoint. The trail is well-marked, but it’s a good idea to wear comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, and bring some water.

5. Visit Rinca island

If you are eager to meet the famous Komodo dragons during a hike, then do not hesitate to discover the island of Rinca. Indeed, this island is the closest to Labuan Bajo (on the western coast of the island of Flores), the starting point for excursions to Komodo National Park.

Unlike Komodo Island, Rinca Island is smaller with an area of approximately 196.25 km² (643 864.82 ft²). The chance of seeing giant monitor lizards in their natural environment is then greatly increased.

Panorama of Rinca Island
Panorama of Rinca Island. This island is located in the Komodo National Park, East Nusa Tenggara. Pambudiyoga, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Rinca Island is the closest to Labuan Bajo and surprisingly the least visited. A 2-night boat cruise in the Komodos archipelago not only allows you to meet the dragons, but also to discover the richness of the underwater fauna and flora of the Komodos archipelago.

It is worth remembering that komodos are wild animals and that they can present a certain danger if their tranquility is not respected. It is mandatory to keep your distance from the animal and to follow all the recommendations of your guide and the local ranger who will accompany you on the excursion.

Rinca Island - Pulau Rinca
Rinca shore. Amelia Samulo, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

6. Stop at Kanawa island

Kanawa Island is also known as the gateway to Komodo Island because all ships heading to Komodo Island will definitely pass through this island.

The island which has an area of ​​about 32 hectares (80 acres) is approximately 15 km (9 miles) from Labuan Bajo (the capital of West Manggarai).

You can spend a day relaxing on the hammock, camping, playing beach volleyball, getting a massage on the beach, trekking to the hills, snorkeling, diving, or enjoying the view of the sky at night.

Kanawa Island from Above
Kanawa Island from above (in the Komodo National Park). SunDawn, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Kanawa Island
Kanawa Island, Komodo National Park. Jordy Meow, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

7. Visit Pink beach (Pantai Merah Muda)

Is Pink Beach really pink?

Let’s be clear: if you’re expecting a flashy pink beach, you’re going to be disappointed! On the other hand, yes the sand of this page has a rather pink color, due to the presence of large fields of multicolored corals which are located offshore.

Apart from the giant lizards that give the park its name, Komodo National Park is also well known for its beautiful, undeveloped beaches. One of the most unique is Pink Beach (Pantai Merah), named for the pink sand that gets its color from weathered chunks of red coral from the nearby reef.

Pink Beach, Padar Island, Komodo National Park
Pink beach is one of the main tourist attractions at Komodo island, one of the big island at Komodo National Park. Devagonal, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Clear, calm waters make the beach an excellent site for snorkeling, especially since the coral reefs just below the surface are home to hundreds of species of marine plants and animals. Located about 15 minutes by boat from Loh Liang pier, Pink Beach is a great place to relax in the sun or cool off in the water after a day of trekking in the national park.

Pink beach Komodo Island. Christopher L Edison, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

There are 2 pink beaches:

The pink beach on Padar definitely has more colorful sand, but the Komodo pink beach has a nicer background for photos, with lots of steep hills and trees.

8. Go to Kelor Island

Kelor Island is located near Komodo Island, within Komodo National Park in Indonesia. It is a small, uninhabited island known for its pristine beaches, lush vegetation, and stunning views of the surrounding archipelago. Kelor Island is a popular destination for snorkeling, diving, and hiking, offering visitors a tranquil escape from the more tourist-centered Komodo Island.

The island offers a tranquil escape and serves as a popular spot for day trips or island-hopping adventures for visitors exploring the Komodo region.

You have the flexibility to visit Kelor Island either before or after exploring Komodo Island. Both islands offer unique experiences within the Komodo National Park, and scheduling your visit to Kelor Island before or after Komodo Island allows you to tailor your adventure based on preferences or available time.

Kelor island
Kelor Island stands as the initial stop when sailing across the Flores Sea. This compact yet trek-worthy island offers the finest views within the Komodo National Park. Its crystal-clear waters serve as a calming retreat for the soul after a refreshing hillside climb. Jonathangarryh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A brief 15-minute hike

A brief 15-minute hike unveils a stunning panoramic view from the top of Kelor Island, offering vistas of Flores, Rinca Island, and the surrounding smaller islands within the Komodo National Park. The ascent, though short, is steep and lacks stairs, so take caution to prevent slipping.

Pulau Sandaran Hati, Pulau Kelor di Laut Flores
Kelor Island rests in the Flores Sea, offering a quick 15-minute hike for visitors. Bungachiara, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The captivating reward awaits at the summit, making this minor exertion entirely worthwhile. Kelor Island provides a perfect opportunity for photography enthusiasts to capture breathtaking scenery in all its glory.

Kelor Island
There are several trails on Kelor Island that lead to stunning viewpoints of the surrounding islands and the turquoise waters of the Komodo Strait. You can relax on the beach perfect for relaxing and soaking up the sun. AgRidwan, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Komodo National Park is located in Indonesia, in the Lesser Sunda Islands, bordering the provinces of the West Lesser Sunda Islands and the (East Lesser Sunda Islands).

The national park includes the three large islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as many other smaller ones. The total area of the park is 1,817 km² (701 miles²) with a land area of 603 km² (375 miles²).

The park also has many lesser islands (island group); Such as Gili Motang Island and Nusa Kode Island.

The national park was established in 1980, with the aim of protecting the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) and cetaceans. The objective was later extended to protection of the flora and fauna of the region, including in the maritime areas.

The islands of the national park are of volcanic origin and 4,000 people live there. In 1991, the park was included in the list of World Heritage and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO since 1977.

Health and security

If you plan to go on a trip to Komodo Island, we advise you to invest in a good travel insurance that also covers scuba diving. You never know what can happen and good insurance can get you out of tough situations. I recommend this travel insurance because they offer worldwide coverage and cover many risky sports like scuba diving. Read also: Health and Safety in Indonesia



Some Ideas for Exploring Komodo: From Dragons to Aquatic Wonders – Private Tours from Labuan Bajo

Embark on a remarkable voyage that unveils the mystique of Komodo’s ancient reptiles and the mesmerizing beauty of its surrounding islands with our exclusive private tours from Labuan Bajo.

Komodo Dragons & Islands Day Tour: Unveiling the Mystique of the Ancient Reptiles

Embark on an extraordinary journey to witness the awe-inspiring Komodo Dragons, the largest living lizard species, in their natural habitat. This day tour unveils the captivating beauty of the Komodo Islands, where you’ll encounter these prehistoric creatures up close. Discover their intriguing behaviors and learn about their conservation while exploring the stunning landscapes of the islands.

Private Day Tour by Speedboat: Exploring the Gems of Labuan Bajo

Experience the epitome of luxury and personalization with a private day tour by speedboat. Sail through the pristine waters of Labuan Bajo and indulge in the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding islands. Immerse yourself in the crystal-clear waters as you swim and snorkel, marvel at vibrant marine life, and savor a sumptuous lunch amidst nature’s serenity.

Labuan Bajo: Swim and Snorkel Komodo Island Trip with Lunch

Dive into an aquatic paradise with this immersive day trip from Labuan Bajo. Discover the enchanting underwater world as you snorkel amidst the coral gardens and colorful marine life around Komodo Island. After your underwater adventure, relish a delectable lunch on board, soaking in the mesmerizing views that surround you.

From Labuan Bajo: Private Full-Day Komodo National Park Tour

Embark on a full-day private tour to the iconic Komodo National Park from Labuan Bajo. Traverse through the picturesque landscapes, marvel at the rugged coastlines, and set foot on the renowned Komodo Island. Witness the majesty of the Komodo Dragons and explore the ecological diversity that this UNESCO World Heritage site offers.

Komodo Island: Private 3-Day Tour with Boat & Hotel Stay

Indulge in an immersive 3-day private tour that encompasses the essence of Komodo Island’s allure. With a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, explore the island’s breathtaking beauty, encounter its iconic reptiles, and bask in the tranquility of the surroundings. This tour provides an unforgettable experience, complete with comfortable accommodations and a chance to fully immerse yourself in the marvels of Komodo Island.

Sources: CleverlySmart, PinterPandai, UNESCO, Wonderful Indonesia, Divezone

Main photo credit: Irdan nofriza nasution (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Main photo description: Padar, also known as Pada, is a small island located between Komodo and Rinca islands within Komodo archipelago, administrated under the West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. It is the third largest island part of Komodo National Park.

One of the natural charms of Indonesia in the province of East Nusa Tenggara is Padar Island, an exotic island with its natural marine beauty that offers a million natural charms.

How to Plan Your Itinerary for Traveling in Indonesia: Create the Perfect Itinerary for Your Trip (from 1 week to 2 months)

Ready to book your villa in the heart of lively Seminyak, Bali?

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Book Your Private Villa


Escape to Villa Carissa, a sanctuary in the heart of lively Seminyak, Bali. Enjoy the utmost privacy with a personal swimming pool and enclosed garden. Book your exclusive pool villa experience now.

Based in Seminyak, Villa Carissa serves as the perfect starting point to explore Bali’s myriad treasures. Ideal for family adventures, memorable friend getaways, or romantic retreats, Villa Carissa offers a tranquil base to discover Bali’s diverse attractions and unwind in serenity.

Carissa villa in seminyak
Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

Best Restaurants In Seminyak, Bali

Seminyak, on the west coast of Bali, is the upscale cousin of the town of Kuta, further south. The area is home to most of the island’s expats, many of whom have set up shops, galleries and restaurants in the town. We list few of the best restaurants in Seminyak and explore the top culinary and savor the exquisite flavors that this beautiful destination has to offer.

Good to know for restaurants in Seminyak, and mostly in Bali, for foods are not too expensive, but when you take your meal with wines, they are more expensive.

Discover the best of Seminyak: Frequently Updated! Top Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, and Entertainment Venues! Dive into our curated list of Seminyak’s finest dining spots, vibrant bars, exhilarating clubs, and must-visit fun places. Explore, choose your favorite, and craft unforgettable memories!

Balinese specialties

Urab: delicious mixture of coconut, beans or other finely chopped vegetables flavored with spices and peppers. Mainly Balinese dish.

Ayam betutu: grilled stuffed chicken, served with vegetables, tapioca and coconut. Bali specialty.

Bebek betutu: a tasty Balinese duck speciality. Stuffed and stewed for a long time in a banana leaf, it is always ordered the day before.

Babi guling: roasted suckling pig. Excellent when it is not too greasy. It is mostly found in Bali.

What are the best Restaurants to try in Seminyak Center?

In Indonesia, and particularly in Bali, we eat well. Rice is the staple, of course, and the national dish goes by the name of nasi goreng: fried rice with eggs, small pieces of meat and vegetables, or shrimp.
But Indonesian food is a reflection of the ethnic mosaic that the country represents: rich, surprising, varied and colorful. Here are the best restaurants In Seminyak you should try (Seminyak Center):

Batik Restaurant and Bar, Southeast Asian, $$$

Certainly one of the most beautiful decorations in Bali, Batik is a restaurant that is worth the detour as much for the content as for the form. This venue is an ideal spot for an elevated coffee experience, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the intriguing contrasts of expat life in Southeast Asia.

Batik restaurant is an Indonesian and South East Asian cuisines. Just like how various cultures inspired the line and shape of batik’s patterns, our food also influences not only by Indonesian but also South East Asian cuisine. Following the transformation of batik throughout history, we also evolved our dishes according to the trend but not to forget the authenticity of tastes and secret ingredients.

Batik Restaurant and Bar, Southeast Asian, $$$

Zomato: Batik Restaurant



Ginger Moon Canteen, Asian Fusion, $$

Ginger Moon is a fabulous Asian fusion restaurant on Oberoi Street (Eat Street / Kayu aya Street). Really cool and stylish interiors, professional staff and delicious food, this is a must visit. The cocktails are also very good and the general atmosphere is great.

Ginger Moon Seminyak
Ginger Moon Restaurant in Seminyak. Uploaded by Pinterpandai, Ginger Moon Restaurant Seminyak, Bali, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

A contemporary dining venue influenced by the culture of Bali and Indonesia, highlighting the diverse range of tropical ingredients that define the region’s cuisine.

Want to try a bit of everything? Ginger Moon has delicious sharing options. In fact, the menu, created by Executive Chef Dean Kedell, was created with sharing in mind.


Reservation: NowBookIt

Ginger Moon Canteen, Asian Fusion, $$

Zomato: Ginger Moon

Chandi, Pan-Asian $$$

For years, Chandi has been a standout establishment in the heart of Seminyak. With its consistently friendly staff, delectable cuisine, and reasonable prices, it’s a go-to destination you can trust without hesitation.

Their dedication to organic cultivation ensures that all greens thrive, while the rich variety of fruits and roots is carefully sourced from local Bedugul farmers. They greatly appreciate and value their contribution to their ingredients, allowing them to maintain their uncompromising standards. It’s with this same commitment that they select only the most exquisite cuts of meat to feature on their menu.

Opening Hours: 10am – 12am​
Lunch : 10am – 4pm
Happy Hour : 12pm-6pm
Dinner : 6pm – midnight

Reservation: Google reservation

Sisterfields Cafe, International $$$

Situated opposite the Seminyak Village Shopping Center, this café is a well-frequented spot, particularly by young adults. The establishment offers two inviting dining spaces and a friendly staff ready to welcome you. The service is swift, with dishes served promptly, even during peak lunch hours.


The Corner House, International $$

At the end of Jalan Kayu Aya to go to The Corner House. And the least we can say is that it was worth it. The location is fantastic and the coffee good.

Enjoy a satisfying breakfast, lunch, or dinner at excellent value for money.

The Corner House, International $$

Zomato: Corner House


Reservation: WhatsApp

Esquina, Asian Mediterranean $$

Asian Mediterranean foods with good flavors. Waiters and waitresses at the top. The service nothing to say. Always smile and come to you regularly to find out if everything is going well. That’s what we like in Bali. A bit pricey but justified given the quality of the dishes and the service, no waiting. Flawless!

Address: Jl Braban 82, Seminyak – Bali 80361

Website: Instagram


Café Bali, $$

Very well located, this restaurant offers all types of food at reasonable prices. Nice decor. “Easy” cooking. A bit noisy in the evening. Cool service. Café Bali offers a very simple but varied menu. The service, very young, is really friendly and responsive! ULTRA ULTRA ULTRA fast service, very efficient staff 🙂

CAFE BALI, Seminyak – Jl. Laksmana – Restaurant Avis, Numéro de Téléphone & Photos – Tripadvisor

Cafe Bali, Seminyak : consultez 3 117 avis sur Cafe Bali, noté 4 sur 5 sur Tripadvisor et classé #143 sur 611 restaurants à Seminyak.

Sambal Shrimp, Seafood, $$$

Immerse yourself in the charm of a typical Balinese setting as you dine on the inviting terrace of Sambal Shrimp. In a typical Balinese setting and a really nice place on the terrace. The products are of high quality and the service is very professional and friendly.

Sambal Shrimp, Seafood, $$$

Zamato: Sambal Shrimp


Reservation: Google reservation

Jackson Lily’s, Asian fusion, $$

The restaurant’s modern yet elegant decor adds a touch of sophistication to the overall atmosphere, making guests feel welcomed and well taken care of throughout their dining experience.

With its captivating ambiance, superb dishes, and delightful discoveries, this restaurant offers an experience you won’t want to miss. Treat yourself to this culinary gem!

Jackson Lily's
Jackson Lily’s Restaurant offers an exquisite dining experience in Seminyak, Bali. Uploaded by Pinterpandai. Jackson Lily’s Restaurant Seminyak, Bali, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Indulge in their tempting wok dishes and don’t miss the mouthwatering 1-meter long Pizzas. For a lighter option in the tropical setting, they offer an array of refreshing salads and vegetable dishes.

And for those with a sweet tooth, their display of house-baked cakes and desserts will surely catch your eye.

A pleasant surprise awaits those with a penchant for unique beverages. Jackson Lily’s takes pride in offering locally produced cider, adding to the flavors of Bali.

So, treat yourself to an extraordinary culinary adventure at this exceptional restaurant.

Get a free  alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverage, one drink per person here!


WhatsApp reservation: +6282134709170

Address: Jl. Raya Seminyak No.2, Seminyak, Bali 80361, Indonesia


Restaurant Bambu, Indonesian, $$$

If you’re looking for the perfect setting for a quiet evening, this is the place to dine. Crossing stones through a swimming pool to get to the dining room, a beautiful setting with a warm ambience. The food itself is a mix of international and Balinese cuisine, with local ingredients dominating the menu. Try the succulent duck betutu or the tangy tuna ceviche.

Restaurant Bambu, Indonesian, $$$

Zomato: Bambu

More Info Mon – Sun: 6:00 PM – 12:00 AM 198 Jalan Petitenget, Kabupaten Badung, Indonesia +623618469797



Inquiry: via their WhatsApp

Cosy, Exterior Restaurant La Lucciola, Indonesian, $$$

La Lucciola is something of a legend in Seminyak, with waterfront views and a location next to the Petitenget Temple. The restaurant is always busy, and is usually packed until late at night. During the day, the beach gives access to the restaurant, while in the evening, it is accessed from the parking lot of the temple, via a wooden bridge lit by lit torches.

The menu changes constantly with every innovation the chefs undertake, but with an emphasis on traditional Balinese flavors.

More Info Mon – Sun: 9am – 11pm Pantai Petitenget Jalan Kayu Aya, Kerobokan, Kabupaten Badung, Indonesia +62361730838

Cosy, Exterior Restaurant La Lucciola, Indonesian, $$$

Zomato: La Lucciola

Cozy, Modern Bistro Mejekawi, Restaurant, Indonesian, $$$

Mejekawi is Ku De Ta’s haute cuisine restaurant, Seminyak’s nightlife beacon and the gathering point for Bali’s ‘happening’ crowd. Its beautiful beachside setting combined with its bistro-style decor make it an attractive environment in which to sample Mejekawi’s local and international cuisine. The restaurant serves two options; a set of seven or 11 dishes, each of which is prepared using precision cooking methods which can be seen through the open kitchen.

You can walk from our Villa Carissa to Kudeta, only 10 mn!

Cozy, Modern Bistro Mejekawi, Restaurant, Indonesian, $$$

Zomato: Mejakawi / Kudeta

More Info Mon – Sun: 5:00 PM – 12:00 PM No. 9 Jalan Kayu Aya, Seminyak, 80361, Indonesia +62361736969 View Website

Casual Motel Mexicola Restaurant, Mexican, $$$

If you’re looking for a taste of Tijuana in Bali, this is the place to get it. “More Mexican than Mexicans” is a good way to describe this place, with its shrine at the entrance to Mother Mary and multicolored tiles covering the walls. Food is a close match as well; Try fish tacos with chili mayo, donuts, burritos and, of course, tequila cocktails.

You can walk from our Villa Carissa to Mexicola, only 10 mn!

Indeed, stepping into this place, you’d swear you’ve been transported to a Mexican hacienda. The DJ caters to a diverse range of musical preferences. The entrance fee, a mere 10 euros per person, grants us admission along with a complimentary drink. The ambiance is nothing short of electric and guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

More Info Mon-Sun: 11am – 1am Seminyak, 80361, Indonesia +62361736688 Visit Website


Mexican Motel and Cafe in Seminyak - Bali, Indonesia (14739430952)
Mexican Motel and Cafe in Seminyak. TuRbO_J from Adelaide, Australia, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Mama San $$$

Located at the corner of Sunset Road and Raya Kerobokan, Mama San is one of the benchmarks par excellence in terms of gastronomy in Bali. The menu offers a large choice of diverse and varied dishes, ranging from spicy beef salad to steamed fish cooked in banana leaves. Asian-inspired, the cuisine offered is full of flavors and spices that are as surprising as they are pleasant. This restaurant is very popular in Seminyak, so it is advisable to book to be sure to have a table.

Address: Jalan Raya Kerobokan No. 135, Bali
Hours: Open for lunch and dinner (reservation recommended)
Contact: +62 (0) 361-730436 and or via WhatsApp +62 818 06126700

Mama San- Kitchen Bar & Lounge- Seminyak- Bali – Asia Bars & Restaurants

Ultrachic Bali restaurant captivates with contemporary interpretations of authentic Asian street foods July 22nd, 2014 One of Bali’s most popular dining attractions since its opening in 2010, Mama San has garnered international recognition for the consummate renditions of authentic Asian street foods by acclaimed chef and founder Will Meyrick.

Vin + Seminyak Bali $$$

An excellent choice for a chic dinner, Vin + Seminyak is also a lounge bar. You can order a typical Italian dish and accompany it with the wine of your choice. This brand also has an adjacent boutique with a selection of over 18,000 wines.

Friendly atmosphere, very good selection of wine and top-notch meats.

Price: IDR 150,000 – 300,000 (14 – 27€)
Address: Jalan Kayu Jati No. 1, Seminyak, Bali
Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Contact: +62 361 4732377

Warung Eny, Bistro, Indonesian, $

One of the more low-key places you can go for authentic Balinese cuisine is Warung Eny. Its rustic and unremarkable appearance keeps the crowds away. If only they knew! The food is incredibly authentic, from grilled whole fish over coconuts to nasi goreng and even gato gato. Satay also tastes great, and if you have time, ask Eny for a cooking class.
More info Mon – Sun: 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Seminyak, 11111, Indonesia +623614736892

warung eny

Warung Eny, home of the Love Cooking School on the Petitenget Road, Seminyak. Ibu Eny and Wayan serve authentic fresh and organic foods to all comers. The kitchen is rustic, but it is a spotlessly clean family kitchen, it is a joy to sit and watch them prepare your meal, their respect for the food they prepare is second to none.

Made’s Warung Seminyak $$

Indeed, Warung Made is an emblematic culinary establishment of Indonesian cuisine. The dishes are delicious and you can expect to find a rather extensive menu ranging from Gado-Gado to grilled fish, not to mention the babi guling (suckling pig) and other spicy rice.

The particularity of this warung and what makes, in part, its reputation, are the representations of the typical Balinese dances which one can attend while having dinner.

Made's Warung Seminyak $$

Zomato: Made’s Warung

Price: IDR 90,000 – 200,000 (€8 – 18)
Address: Jalan Raya Seminyak, Seminyak, Bali
Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m



Resevation: via WhatsApp

Best Bars in Bali to Spend an Unforgettable Evening

Where can you enjoy a drink while watching the sunset in Bali?

Here are the best places to enjoy a drink while watching the sunset:

Kudeta $$$

Incredible spot! Tailor-made service, excellent food quality, music at the top! Admittedly a little expensive but it is well worth the price given the quality!

This stylish beach bar is a lovely place. It has a classy and elegant atmosphere with a menu that is reasonably priced, similar to street-side options. The view of the Indian Ocean is stunning, and the atmosphere is truly wonderful.


Reservation: via Google

La Plancha $$

A colorful bar with big beanbags to sit and sip a fresh juice (the banana juice is delicious) or a beer facing a breathtaking sunset. It was enough to seduce me! It must be said that the sunset over the sea is really breathtaking! Judge by yourself !

To watch the sunset, come relatively early to hope to have a table, because the place is very busy. But at worst, you can always fall back on another bar on the beach, the sunset will be the same!

Read also: Seminyak Beach | The ideal beach to see a wonderful sunset in Bali


Reservation: via Chope

Where to go out at night in Seminyak?

Considering a night out in Seminyak? This guide will take you through the best spots to experience the area’s vibrant nightlife. From chic bars to lively clubs, Seminyak offers a diverse array of venues to suit every preference, ensuring an unforgettable evening under the Balinese sky. Here’s the list for your perfect evening:

Red Carpet Champagne Bar $$

The red carpet is the theme of this champagne bar located on the busiest street in Seminyak with all the best restaurants, bars and shops in the area. Rather chic atmosphere and proper dress required. The prices are correct, the service efficient and you are right on rue de Oberoi so you can watch the excitement unfold before your eyes.

For a beer about IDR 50,000 (US$2.5) . For a glass of white wine around IDR 100,000 and cocktail around IDR 100,000 (US$ 6.50).

Red Carpet Champagne Bar $$

Zomato: Red Carpet

Address and Contact
Red Carpet Champagne Bar
Jl. Kayu Aya, Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361
Tel: +62 361 737889
Reservation: via WhatsApp

Partying in Seminyak

Where to go out in Seminyak Bali: party at Mexicola in Seminyak

La Favela $$$

Behind a sall, narrow entrance that does not look like much hides THE nightclub not to be missed in Seminyak. Anyway, it’s simple: everyone is there! Several rooms and dance floors await you. The decoration is surprising and eclectic as we like them! In the middle of the bar, the trees have made their way. We are far from classic nightclubs. You need to dressup to come here, no flip flops, no short pants for man.

Good to know: at dinner time (Western, Asian), the supercharged Favela turns into a restaurant where you can also have a drink.


Reservation: via Chope


La Favela Seminyak $$$

Zomato: La Favela

Mexicola $$$

This restaurant turns into a dance bar as soon as the service ends. Once the plates are cleared, people dance on the tables and the atmosphere is completely charged until 1am. The “dance floor” is located under a large glass roof. Watch out, it’s going to be hot! Literally as figuratively ! An original place!

Mexicola Seminyak $$$

Mexicola Seminyak $$$

Zomato: Mexicola

Address: JL Kayujati 9X – Seminyak, Bali 80361



Mirror $$$

It feels like a gothic cathedral with stunning stained glass windows and futuristic lasers piercing the dance floor. Welcome to the Mirror! In such an atmosphere, clubbers are completely immersed and often international sizes are programmed on the turntables. The music is very good and the place is not crowded (all things considered, we are still talking about a nightclub). Very friendly staff, which contributes to the good atmosphere of the establishment. Place not too crowded with locals and tourists.

Address: Jalan Petitenget No.106 Seminyak, Bali 80361


More info: via their WhatsApp

Mirror Seminyak $$$

Zomato: Mirror

Jenja $$$ Permanently CLOSED 🙁

Jenja is the trendy club for going out in Bali. It is a bar-club located in Seminyak on the street that goes towards the Double Six beach. The atmosphere and the music are there and we often invite well-known DJs who know how to set the mood in the evenings. Address: Seminyak Town Square Suites Jl. Nakula Seminyak, Bali. You need to dressup to come here, no flip flops, no short pants for man.
Hours: 8:00 p.m. – 4:00 a.m.
Contact: +62 361 8469077

Read also: Seminyak Beach Club | Chic, Glamorous and Flashy | Perfect For Both Day and Night

Best Balinese Restaurants in Bali | Discover Bali’s Culinary Gems

Restaurants in Seminyak (But not in the EAT STREET)

Bambu $$$

This upscale restaurant offers fine Indonesian cuisine. The dishes here are cooked by professionals in the trade and it is a real success! The setting of the restaurant is an integral part of its charm since you will have the opportunity to eat on a small platform surrounded by water. The restaurant also belongs to the owner of La Lucciola, who, once again, succeeds in sublimating the typical dishes of Indonesian cuisine.

Address: Jalan Petitenget no.198, Seminyak, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Opening hours: Only for dinner (reservation recommended)
Contact: +62 (0) 361-8469797 and



Inquiry: via their WhatsApp

Bambu Restaurant Bali

Founded by the owner who created La Lucciola, the Bambu restaurant Bali in Seminyak focus on traditional Indonesian cuisine. Classic Indonesian With a strong expertise in classic Indonesian cuisine, Bambu is the right place to eat chicken sate, spicy sambal or jackfruit curry.

Merah Putih $$$

The Merah Putih is a must-see place in Bali. The cuisine is family-run and the portions are quite generous, all cooked with Indonesian sauce. Reservations are not (yet) necessary, and we urge you to come and discover this place that has received so many rave reviews.

Address: Jl. Petitenget No.100x, Kerobokan, Seminyak, Bali
Opening hours: Every day, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Contact: +62 (0) 361 8465950 and



Merah Putih | Indonesian Restaurant | Bali

Celebrating Indonesia’s finest cuisine, culture, craftsmanship & people, Indonesian classics are served along side creative dishes that experiment with traditional spices & flavours from across the archipelago.

Warisan $$$ (located inside Warisan LIVING – Furniture Showroom)

The Warisan is located a bit apart from other restaurants in Seminyak, but once inside, you’ll understand why the drive was worth it. There is a sweet culinary mix between French, Mediterranean and Indonesian cuisine. An interior courtyard has been set up with elegant tables laid out and laid out with care.

The place is perfect for a candlelit dinner with its romantic atmosphere, live music and refined dishes. For the starter we recommend the ravioli with lobster bisque or the confit salmon, a delight!

Address: Jl. Raya Kerobokan No. 38, Br. Taman, Kuta, Bali
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. | Sunday: 4:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Contact: +62 (0) 361 731175


Warisan Restaurant and Bar Bali

Warisan Restaurant located in Kerobokan Area upper class restaurant with western type menus. The restaurant is founded in 1991. Warisan Restaurant is everything you want for the ultimate dining experience on Bali; seamless dining under the shade of fragrant Frangipani trees or lazily on oversized plump sofas next to an excitable, well stocked bar – all paddy field breeze kissed.

Fine Dining / Gourmet restaurant in Seminyak

In this article we will tell you about the crème de la crème of restaurants in Seminyak, those that are known, recognized and appreciated throughout the region. In general, the prices are a little higher than average, but they are still quite reasonable if you have fun comparing them to those of restaurants of an equivalent standard in Europe. All you have to do is make your choice.

Read also: Bali Fine Dining Restaurants | Unveiling Bali&#8217;s Exclusive Gastronomy: Indulge in the Finest Dining Experiences

Léon Brasserie $$$$$

This French restaurant offers excellent dishes in a magnificent setting. It serves refined cuisine, French wines and cheeses in an authentic Balinese environment. The advantage of this magnificent place is that it is as pleasant to eat there with friends, as a couple or on a business trip, as it is to drink a few cocktails in the lounge area directly overlooking the rice fields.

An exquisite journey of purity, refinement, and heritage, guided by the timeless flavors of French cuisine.

The Léon effortlessly accommodates special events and large group gatherings, preserving the intimate atmosphere both in the garden and indoors. Additionally, on every weekday lunch (excluding weekends), a special menu is available, featuring a delightful selection of starters, main courses, and desserts.

Address: Jl Raya Bumbak 115 , Umalas, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia
Hours: Restaurant: 17:30 – 23:00. Bar 17:00 – Onwards



Inquiry: via their WhatsApp

Sardine $$$$

This popular restaurant is run by a French couple. Sardine is known for its innovative cuisine essentially based on seafood. Its menu changes daily and promises fresh and tasty products. The architecture made of bamboo is completely open to the outside and offers an absolutely incredible view of the rice fields and banana trees. A very pleasant setting and a refined decor! It is an environment that you will appreciate as much for dinner and lunch as for having an aperitif with friends. Do not hesitate to ask the chef for his suggestion of the day, he will be more than happy to advise you.

The establishment offers a bar/lounge area with a generous drinks menu.
The architecture and decoration of the restaurant reflect the local spirit with its bamboo furniture and the unobstructed view of the rice fields brings a special atmosphere to the place.

Address: Jalan Petitenget No. 21, Kerobokan, Bali
Hours: 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 a.m. (last order at 11:00 p.m.)
Contact: +62 811-3978-111 and

Sources: TripAdvisor

Photo credit (main picture): mtommartin via Pixabay

Indulge in Romance: The Most Romantic Dining Experiences in Seminyak, Bali | Fine dining atmosphere

Bali Fine Dining Restaurants | Unveiling Bali’s Exclusive Gastronomy: Indulge in the Finest Dining Experiences

Reserve Your Stay at Villa Carissa and Embark on a Gastronomic Journey Through Seminyak’s Top Dining and Entertainment Venues. Experience the Best of Bali’s Nightlife!

I need more information


Immerse yourself in the serenity of Villa Carissa, cradled in the vibrant heart of Seminyak, Bali. Here, a private swimming pool and secluded garden guarantee uninterrupted tranquility throughout your stay.

Dive into Seminyak’s Culinary and Nightlife Scene: Discover the Best Restaurants, Bars, and Places to Go Out. Staying at Villa Carissa not only brings Bali’s stunning beaches closer but also places you at the heart of Seminyak’s vibrant dining and nightlife. From gourmet eateries to lively bars, explore our curated list of must-visit spots.

Whether you’re venturing with family, companions, or savoring an intimate escape, Villa Carissa offers the perfect foundation for delving into Bali’s attractions and embracing a profoundly rejuvenating holiday. Secure your haven at Villa Carissa today and bask in a true home away from home, nestled in the heart of Seminyak, Bali.

Carissa villa in seminyak
Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

Travel to Bali: the guide to read before your departure

Do you want to travel to Bali? Plan your trip to Bali with tourist information, points of interest, general information and everything you need to know to organize and be able to travel to Bali, Indonesia, with complete peace of mind. In this Bali guide you will find everything you need to know to travel to Bali, Indonesia.

Planning a Trip to Bali? Discover essential tourist info, points of interest, and everything you need for a stress-free travel experience in Bali, Indonesia.

A journey full of possibilities

The island of Bali is a true haven of peace. In a safe and calm political context, the temperate climate during all seasons, its white sand beaches, the more than 10,000 temples in Bali, the Balinese culture, the tropical jungle and above all the hospitality of the Balinese, make it a unbeatable destination.

Bali is an ideal destination for those looking for a different type of tourism, adventurous and discovery of new cultures. It is not surprising that more and more people choose to spend their holidays on the Bali island. In addition, a trip to Bali is within the reach of almost all pockets, if we find a flight at a good price, accommodation in Bali and in Indonesia is not very expensive.

This island not only offers a trip on its inner margin of rice fields or on the volcanic slopes that are probably even more active. There are endless resorts for tourism in Bali located on the most beautiful white sand beaches in the south and 5-star hotels at good prices. The island offers water sports and marine activities, such as diving, surfing, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, among many others – ideal for adventure tourism enthusiasts.

Understand the history of Bali before your trip

For a long time, the island of Bali was dominated by different nobility. In the 16th century, it was conquered by the Dutch, along with many islands in Indonesia. Bali then exports a lot of cotton, rice and cattle. The population, partly subject to slavery, revolts from time to time, like the slave Surapati in the 17th century.

The Dutch have little interest in Bali, in fact only seeking to prevent acts of piracy, a lucrative activity for the Balinese, but which harms the economy of the Netherlands. It was because of these maritime thefts that Holland took control of the island in 1906. The two royal families therefore committed suicide, accompanied by their subjects. The same scene is repeated during the return of the Dutch in 1946. The repression of a communist movement in the 1960s causes between 50,000 and one million deaths in Java and Bali.

Diversity of cultures: fells the islandy

Although modest in size (140 km long, 80 km wide or 87 miles long, 50 miles wide), Bali is an island-world unto itself. She has a strong character, but cultivates the diversity of cultures and nature. Bali is a dream destination for all tourists who find an absolutely relaxing change of scenery on this island.

Balinese culture teaches a lot about exchange and sharing. This is probably due to local Hinduism. Thus, many ceremonies, dances and offerings take place in the various temples that you will have to visit, but also in the streets of the cities of Bali.

Everywhere, you can see craftsmen performing artistic feats, making furniture, making simple and touching decorations. Responsible tourism starts with buying products directly from the artisan. A great opportunity to shop with a clear mind.

A cultural trip: must visit

To visit Bali is to meet a civilization totally different from ours, a culture to be tamed by visiting the temples, museums, palaces, or cities of the Indonesian island.


Trip to Bali: the temples
The Hindu religion is omnipresent in Bali, but it is especially part of the landscapes thanks to the temples. They exist both in cities and in the most remote areas. Each of them worships a different deity, whether it is the three great Hindu gods (Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma), or whether it is the god of the earth, the river or any other element. natural. These temples are worth especially for their decorations and the architectural styles completely new in Europe. Here are 2 temples to visit during your trip:

Pura Ulun Danu Temple Bratan

In Begudul, you absolutely have to take a look at the magnificent Ulun Danu temple, a sumptuous place. Time literally seems to float on peaceful Lake Bratan. Such serenity emanates from the surrounding places that we are often left speechless.

Besakih Temple

Besakih Temple is the largest Hindu temple in Bali. Located at the foot of Mount Agung, it offers magnificent views of the surrounding wilderness, making it a popular destination in Bali. However, this surrounding nature confers a kind of peace which brings a lot to the sanctity of the place.

Best Temples in Bali | You need to visit one of them at least once during your stay in Bali


There are many museums in Bali. Many are interested in Balinese art. Some are dedicated to local particularities: nature, agriculture… Suffice to say that with all these cultural facilities, you will be able to know other facets of the Balinese.

Agung Rai Museum

In Ubud, this real living museum presents many paintings and artistic shows. From this museum, you will have a full view of the volcano which is an integral part of the museum.

Puri Lukisan Museum

This museum has a collection of about 150 paintings and 60 sculptures. It is the most beautiful art museum in Bali.

Museums in Bali | Explore the Island’s Rich Cultural and Artistic Heritage


The palaces of Bali are impressive in terms of wealth and decoration. Noble families have reigned on this island for a long time and have left very beautiful architectural works. Here are some of the palaces to discover during your trip.

Pemecutan Palace

Built in the 17th century, this palace is one of the few open to the public. You will discover all the modern splendor desired by the last king of Denpasar. Part of this palace has now become a hotel.

Puri Saren Ubud

Puri Saren Ubud (Ubud Palace) is a royal residence located in the center of Ubud. It is now a cultural center, with also a magnificent market. It is one of the great tourist attractions in Bali, but its splendor greatly justifies its popularity.

Taman Tirta Gangga Water Palace

Built in 1948, the water palace was partly destroyed by the lava flow of 1963. However, it is well worth a look with its veritable belt of pools and small richly sculpted bridges, as well as the many statues. A surprising visit.

Tirta Gangga Palace | The Royal Baths and Beautiful Aquatic Gardens in East Bali


The island of Bali is a dream destination resulting from the exceptional marriage between men and nature. In Bali, culture and nature are intimately intertwined, and you will pass from one to the other without even noticing it, stopping in cities with a rich culture.


Denpasar is Bali’s main city. Modern capital, Denpasar has nevertheless managed to keep some of its cultural origins, with in particular the Pura Jagatnatha temple dedicated to the God of Bali. Other places with a very strong historical interest are to be visited, such as Puputan Square, with an impressive monument, recalling the suicides of protest against the Dutch.

However, Denpasar has also been able to modernize. Witness the administrative complex of Renon and the Werdhi Budaya Museum, with many exhibitions of Balinese paintings and art.

In June, you must see the festival that takes place throughout the city with exhibitions, performances, artistic competitions and other arts related to nature.


Located in the central part of the island of Bali, the Ubud region is both a magnificent set of green landscapes and an important cultural center. In terms of culture, two museums are must-sees: the Puri Lukisan and the Neka. There are also many art galleries as well as an artists’ village.


Seminyak is located on the south-west coast of Bali in the northern extension of Kuta and Legian.

Destination par excellence for a honeymoon, more snobbish and luxurious than these two neighbours, this small town is attracting more and more tourists. That is why, we are going to discover what are the interests and the defects of this place…

Read also: Why choose SEMINYAK during your trip to Bali?

Seminyak Beach | The ideal beach to see a wonderful sunset in Bali

A nature trip: the most beautiful landscapes of Bali

In Bali, the extraordinary spectacles offered by nature are impressive and quickly make you forget the long hours of flight. Approach the center of the island, and observe these magnificent rice fields which stretch as far as the eye can see and create unique landscapes, especially near Jatiluwih and Ubud.

To the north and east, breathe in the force of the wilderness, whether it’s hearing the sea rolls crashing onto the shore, feeling the sea air rush through your hair, or to see the vastness of the chain of volcanoes. A playground that will give you the opportunity to practice many activities throughout your trip!

The Jatiluwih region and its rice fields

The Jatiluwih region is anchored in the minds of most visitors thanks to the astonishing landscapes, and in particular the immense rice fields cultivated on the terraces.

Rice is grown here using ancient methods. There are some of the busiest temples on the island. It is the ideal region for magnificent hikes along soothing landscapes. Ubud Complete Travel Guide

Jatiluwih Rice Terraces - 2015.02 - panoramio (1)
Jatiluwih rice fields, Tabanan Regency, Bali, Indonesia. rheins, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The eastern volcanoes

Bali, like all of Indonesia, is adorned with several volcanoes. You will absolutely have to salute Mount Agung and Mount Batur during your vacation in Bali.

Mount Agung is the great volcano to see. From the top of its 3142 meters (10308 feet), it dominates the whole island with its imposing stature. It caused a lot of damage when it erupted in 1963. It is possible to reach its summit, but it is better to be in good physical condition, due to its high altitude. To realize its strength, you absolutely have to see the lava flow left by the last eruption dating from the 1960s.

From the top of its 1717 meters (5633 ft), Mount Batur is another must-see on the island. This volcano is indeed still active and is even the object of a real cult on the part of the Balinese. It is truly impressive. You can also hike to the top of Mount Batur and embrace a huge part of the island. An enchanting moment.

Hot springs

As you have understood, volcanoes are omnipresent in Indonesia, and especially in Bali. Their underground activity also allows a natural phenomenon: the presence of hot springs, loaded with sulfur, ideal for healing or relieving various problems in a natural way. A unique experience to test during your trip to Bali.

Hot springs near Tabanan

About fifteen kilometers north of Tabanan, the waters naturally contain sulphur, potassium and sodium, which you can enjoy in several private spas.

Panas Banjar Hot Spring

Imagine a natural hot water swimming pool… Well, here is one located in the northwest of Bali, not far from the coast. You will find many tourists and Balinese who come to relax in this little corner of paradise.

Bali Barat National Park

Almost the entire west of the island of Bali belongs to the national park. It preserves many species of fauna and flora that inhabit the tropical rainforest. This park allows tourists to discover an incredible and very rare fauna. Take a day to stroll through this huge protected area. Some tracks promise you pretty walks during which you can see most of this tropical forest.

You will also have the opportunity to discover the fauna through 2 animal parks:

Bali Bird Park

Located north of Denpasar, the Bali Bird Park collects many species (about 250) of birds from Africa and South America. You will have the opportunity to see magnificent shows of birds in the middle of huge tropical plants. A pleasant time to spend with the family.

Butterfly park

Near Tabanan, the butterfly park allows you to observe magnificent insects with rich colors. If there are fewer and fewer butterflies in France, in Tabanan, you will see many of them.

Nusa Penida Island

Still little known to travelers until recently, this island southeast of Bali has become the new star of social networks in recent years. It must be said that it is now easily accessible thanks to the ferry which connects it in just an hour. Once there, the steep coasts of this piece of Indonesia offer a breathtaking spectacle!

The Best Beaches in Bali | Most famous beach during your holiday

The beaches of the island

In Bali, many beaches are famous for surfing. Others, much more peaceful, allow you to enjoy the warm waters of the Pacific at your leisure. These are the favorite beaches of all lovers who have gone to Bali for their honeymoon.

Lovers of beautiful sunny beaches will appreciate the marriage of land and sea just as much. Indeed, the green hills and the high volcanoes are very close to the sea, offering magnificent hiking trails.


G-land, as surfers call it, is a world famous surf spot. Here, the rollers break at high speed and only the best surfers manage to stay on the ridge for a long time. If you are a board lover, this is an unmissable place in your Balinese itinerary.


South of Denpasar is the other great beach known for surfing: Uluwatu. Rollers can sometimes be dangerous. Novices really need to be careful.

Amed Beach

Imagine an uncrowded beach with beautiful white sand, warm waters, a beautifully green hinterland… That’s it, you are at Amed beach. An idyllic setting awaits you here, in the northeast of Bali.

Bali Souvenirs | What to Bring Back from Bali: Unique Souvenirs and Treasures

Shopping: souvenirs of your traveling to Bali:

Bali is an island increasingly known for its shopping areas. A good tip: leave with light suitcases, because you risk falling for many memories…


The Balinese are past masters in the art. They produce many objects from bamboo, coconut, ceramics, metal and silver… Do not hesitate to choose carved and painted wooden objects. They often represent fantastic animals such as a dragon, or pets such as cats. They are usually great decorative items to bring home.

Works of art

Bali is an island of artists, of which Ubud is truly the capital. Suffice to say that you will meet many galleries throughout your stay in this great Balinese city. You will also find some at the Denpasar market.


Take advantage of your stay in Bali to have your skin tattooed. Many artists will propose to paint a part of your body permanently or ephemerally. However, pay close attention to the choice of tattoo artist. It is better to have a good feeling with him, and do not hesitate to ask your hotel for information…

Things To Do in Bali and What to Visit, Where To Go While Vacationing in Bali? (Top Attractions)

Practical information for your trip to Bali

To prepare your trip to Bali, nothing better than useful addresses and practical information! Find tourist offices, modes of transport, exchange rate, time difference…

Tourist offices

The website of the Indonesian tourist office:

The Official Website of Indonesia Tourism (Indonesia Travel)

The website of the Bali tourist office:

Official Bali Tourism Board Website (Bali Tourism Board)

Getting around Bali

The easiest way to get around Bali is to rent a car with driver. This way, you won’t have any trouble with left-hand traffic, but in addition, your driver will show you the best places to visit and where to go out in Bali.

If you want to drive yourself, and thus be totally independent, consider asking your prefecture for an international permit.

How to Take a Taxi in Bali Without Getting Scammed or Cheated?

Public transport can also be a good compromise between self-guided tours and safety. Choose a Bemo, a modernized local minibus.

Finally, cycling can be a great way to get around town. A handy Dutch heritage for getting around in the urban jungle.

Bali Airport PickUp, Drop-Off Service, Excursion, Travel and Transportation Services at Villa Carissa

When to go to Bali

Bali is located near the equator, in a tropical area. The island has two equally distributed seasons. The average year-round temperature is 28 °C (82.4 °F), but the heat is never unbearable.

To benefit from a drier and sunnier climate, the best period runs from May to October. To avoid the tourist influx, it is better to stay in Bali in May, September or October. Of course, you won’t be alone. June is also proving to be a good month to go, as everything is green after the monsoon and prices are not yet at their peak.

Note that the days have the same amplitude all year round, with sunrise at 6 a.m. and sunset at 6 p.m. at the latest.

Bali Weather | When to go to Bali? Monthly Bali Tropical Climate

The climate

Do you want to travel to Bali? The island of Bali has a tropical monsoon climate, since it is located very close to the Equator. In general, Bali’s weather is warm year-round, with temperatures peaking at midday and lowest at night, especially in mountainous areas. For example, in the Kintamani area, which can reach up to 16 °C (60.8 °F).

To take advantage of the day in Bali, it is worth getting up early, since the sun rises at 6 in the morning and leaves at 6 in the afternoon. Unlike Europe, the weather and the solar schedules of Bali do not have great variations, except for the humidity (rain) that does vary according to the season. This small Indonesian island seems to live in an eternal summer, since it has an average of 30 ºC (86 °F) throughout the year and the seasons are divided into only two periods: the wet season and the dry season.

Moonsoon in Bali

The wet season or Monsoon begins at the end of October and ends in April. Generally, there are not usually big torrential rains, in fact, Bali has a very mild monsoon. Being a very humid and hot time, a large part of tourism avoids traveling to Bali during these months. On the other hand, there are people who see tropical rains as something positive, since there is much more tranquility, prices drop considerably and you can enjoy the beaches without crowds of people in the water.

Weather and rain in Bali, monsoon

During the wet season, tropical storms and high temperatures are commonplace, for this reason we recommend always wearing light and breathable clothing, which will keep you out of the heat and dry faster if you get wet. Always use sunscreen and don’t worry about raincoats and umbrellas, as the venues are packed with these useful items when a downpour falls out of the blue. The use of flip flops during the rains are also a very good option, yes, in ceremonies and temples they will not allow you to enter with this type of footwear. On the other hand, it is important to mention that the island’s sewage system is practically non-existent, so you will probably find more than one flooded street, just like some beaches in the south where stagnant waters form.

The dry season

When Bali’s dry season appears, tourism begins to arrive in an avalanche and prices skyrocket. The dry season begins in April and ends in September. During this stage, the rains are almost non-existent, the days are always sunny and there is much less humidity. The months of July and August are the most touristy of the year, as they coincide with the holidays in Europe and Australia. We recommend you bring a hat and sunscreen to protect yourself from the strong rays of the sun that appear during this period. It also doesn’t hurt that you take a jacket, since at night and especially in mountainous areas the temperature tends to drop quite a bit.

Average temperature and rainfall

Here’s an example table that shows the average temperature and rainfall in Bali in Celsius and Fahrenheit:

Month Average Temperature (C) Average Temperature (F) Average Rainfall (mm)
January 27 81 300
February 27 81 300
March 27 81 275
April 28 82 200
May 28 82 100
June 27 81 75
July 26 79 75
August 26 79 50
September 27 81 75
October 28 82 150
November 28 82 275
December 27 81 350

Note: The temperature and rainfall can vary based on several factors such as location and elevation within Bali, and these figures are just averages.

Bali has a tropical climate with warm temperatures and high humidity year-round. The rainy season in Bali is typically from November to March, while the dry season is from April to October.

Bali Weather | When to go to Bali? Monthly Bali Tropical Climate


No vaccine is required to enter Bali. The island is not, a priori, a risky destination in terms of health, however it is recommended to be vaccinated against tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis A and B.

Beware mosquitoes: An anti-malarial treatment is also recommended, especially if you are traveling during the wet season. A resurgence of malaria has been observed in the western area of ​​the island of Java. Dengue fever is also increasingly common. It is therefore advisable in case of headaches (knowing that the incubation is 10 days) to consult a doctor and not to take aspirin.

In terms of food, consume only soft drinks, which are easily found everywhere, and preferably avoid raw foods and unpeeled fruits.

Avian flu epidemic (source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs) No cases have recently been identified. However, remain vigilant: avoid raw or undercooked products (eggs, meat), wash and disinfect your hands several times a day.

Health and Safety in Indonesia


Indonesia’s telephone code is +62, Bali’s is 0361 (we use it without the initial 0). Two international codes, 001 and 008, allow you to call abroad from Indonesia.


In principle 220 volts everywhere. The electrical outlets are the same standards as in Europe. So provide an adapter, depending on the region where you come from.

Are there any security issues in Bali?

Bali is not an island or country more dangerous than another, but as with any tourist stay abroad, these security measures, which seem obvious, must be respected in order not to spoil your stay.

Read also: Important Numbers in Bali | Essential numbers and addresses

It cannot be said that there are security problems in Bali. There is no real danger. There are only small abuses or miscalculations during purchases and in some exchange offices, especially in Kuta. Remember to recount your money directly on the contrary and remain diplomatic in any situation.


In tropical countries like Bali it is better to wear light and breathable clothing, preferably with long sleeves (because of mosquitoes). In addition, the mixture of heat with humidity causes tourists less accustomed to the Balinese tropical climate to feel very muggy, which is why we recommend you fill your suitcase with linen and cotton clothes. Also take a sweater or a coat just in case, since in the mountainous regions of Bali it tends to be a little colder, especially at night.

It is important to remember that you will be in a completely different culture than the western one, therefore, wearing according to what type of clothing may offend the local population. It’s important that when you visit a temple or a sacred place you do not wear provocative clothing or bare feet. It is not necessary that you wear dress clothes, since in general everyone dresses in a casual style in any type of venue.

There are three essential things that you should take with you to Bali: a personal first-aid kit with the most basic medicines, mosquito repellent and sun cream, since the sun, insects and lack of medicines are the order of the day on the island.

oh! And if you have enough space left in your suitcase, pack a hat. You will appreciate it!

Luggage to travel to Bali, tips for packing

The flight to Bali is usually a very long journey, therefore, we recommend you to travel with hard luggage, since at the airport the suitcases are not exactly treated gently. In this way, you will be able to safely preserve what is inside the luggage, especially the souvenirs and souvenirs that you bring back on your return.

Now that you know how your suitcase should be, you may be wondering: But what exactly do I need to put inside it? The best solution for these cases is to make a list. In this way, you can cross out the clothes and objects that you put in your luggage without forgetting anything. Shall we go for it?

Bali Packing List – What to pack for Bali? Best Packing List and Tips for a Perfect Vacation (What to Bring in Your Luggage or Suitecase)

What to bring in your lugage?

Bali luggage list:

Next, we offer you a list of the pieces of clothing and objects necessary for a trip to Bali. The amount of clothing you take will depend on the number of days you are on the island. Open your suitcase and let’s get started!

List of objects to take on a trip

You can keep this article for your convenience. In the left column you can put the number of objects that you are going to take. Remember that both money and documentation should always be with you, we even recommend using an anti-theft inside pocket. Do not ship them under any circumstances.

1. Travel gadgets

Here is a compilation of objects and gadgets that accompany us on many of our trips.

Compact universal adapter

It works for everyone and has USB plugs, super complete.

Mini travel first aid kit

First aid kit, with plasters, bandage, cream for burns etc…

Jack for 2 headphones

To be able to watch a movie or listen to music with your partner using a phone or tablet. Allows you to connect 2 headphones to the same device (if you don’t use bluetooth headphones). Great for long plane rides!

Luggage organizer

The best option to organize your suitcase: separate objects and clothes in small separate bags compartments.

Noise canceling headphones

They have a built-in microphone to pick up the sound of the plane’s engine and eliminate it.

GoPro type camera

Small, light and capable of capturing all those magical moments (even underwater). Good price and good quality.

Plastic submersible covers or waterproof cover for your phone

Immerse yourself and record or photograph with your mobile.

2. A little bit of a laundry detergent

With only 4 liters (1.05 gallon) of water and a little detergent, you will have some of your clothes fresh and clean socks and underwear.

3. Mosquito repellent

Spray mosquito repellent: easy to apply and very effective in preventing bites.

4. Compact travel bag

It is a type of toiletry bag that “rolls up on itself” is very comfortable and facilitates organization.

Compact pillow, eye cover and ear plugs. The perfect kit to sleep wherever you want.

5. Light plastic raincoats, incase when it rains

They hardly take up space, they don’t weigh much, they allow space for the backpack and they are cheap.

6. Anti-theft belt or a travel security belt

Belt with a small inside pocket to store money.

7. Empty travel water bottles

In some airports they will ask you that the liquids go in separate little bottles and inside a transparent bag.

8. Waterproof document holder, save documents

Keep passports, cards, ID, driver’s license, insurance policy… even the mobile.

9. Locks for suitcases, TSA padlock

Padlocks approved by the United States Transportation Security Agency, valid in most airports in the world.

10. Super light towel for travel towel

A microfiber towel that takes up very little space, is absorbent and quick-drying.

11. Luggage weight, scale for suitcases

To measure the weight of your luggage before arriving at the airport. No surprises!

Entry Requirements to Bali and Navigating Stay Visas in Indonesia

Sources: PinterPandai, CleverlySmartWonderful Indonesia

Photo credit (main photo): Desfosse / Pixabay

Secure your private villa in the heart of Seminyak, a perfect base for exploring Bali’s beauty!

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Discover serenity at Villa Carissa, strategically nestled as your gateway to uncovering the enchanting wonders of Bali. Immerse yourself in a realm of tranquility, luxury, and unforgettable moments.

Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or on a romantic getaway, villa Carissa in Seminyak center offers the perfect base for exploring Bali’s many attractions and enjoying a relaxing vacation.

Carissa villa in seminyak
Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

Sustainable Travel Options in Bali: Eco-Friendly Ways to Explore the Island

Sustainable travel options in Bali provide environmentally conscious travelers with a range of eco-friendly transportation choices to explore the island responsibly and minimize their carbon footprint.

When exploring the beautiful island of Bali, embracing sustainable travel and transportation practices can significantly reduce your environmental impact while enhancing your overall experience.

Examples of Sustainable travel options in Bali

Sustainable travel options in Bali offer eco-conscious travelers a range of environmentally friendly transportation choices, contributing to responsible exploration and minimizing carbon footprints while experiencing the beauty of the island.

From eco-conscious shuttle services to electric vehicle rentals, Bali offers a variety of options for environmentally friendly travel.

Shuttle Services:

Opt for shuttle services provided by eco-conscious companies that prioritize sustainability. These services often use low-emission vehicles and adhere to responsible tourism practices. For example, “Green Shuttle Bali” offers shared and private shuttle services that run on biofuel, reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable transportation.

Bicycle Rentals:

Embrace the eco-friendly option of exploring Bali by bicycle. Many rental shops offer bicycles equipped with environmentally friendly features such as bamboo frames and solar-powered lights. Cycling allows you to immerse yourself in the island’s natural beauty while minimizing your carbon footprint.

Beautiful Villages in Bali | A Journey into Tradition and Beauty

Electric Scooter Rentals:

Consider renting an electric scooter for convenient and eco-friendly transportation around Bali. Electric scooters produce zero emissions and are an efficient way to navigate the island’s bustling streets. Companies like “eBikes Bali” offer electric scooter rentals with options for guided tours, allowing you to explore Bali’s attractions while reducing your environmental impact.

Rent electric scooter in Bali with Electric Karma or skooelectricbali

Hybrid and Electric Car Rentals:

Choose eco-conscious transportation solutions from rental companies that offer hybrid and electric vehicles. These vehicles minimize air pollution and contribute to Bali’s efforts to combat climate change. For example, “Green Car Bali” provides a range of hybrid and electric cars for rent, allowing travelers to explore the island sustainably and in style.

Bali Airport PickUp, Drop-Off Service, Excursion, Travel and Transportation Services at Villa Carissa

Public Transportation: Utilize Bali’s public transportation system, including buses and bemos (minivans), to travel between destinations. While public transportation options may vary in terms of environmental impact, choosing buses and bemos can help reduce the number of individual vehicles on the road, ultimately decreasing traffic congestion and emissions.

By opting for eco-friendly travel and transportation options in Bali, you can contribute to the preservation of the island’s natural beauty and support sustainable tourism practices. Whether cycling through rice paddies or cruising in an electric vehicle along the coast, embracing sustainable transportation enhances your journey while leaving a positive impact on the environment.

Photo credit: keulefm via Pixabay

Sustainability and CSR at Villa Carissa: Preserving Bali’s Beauty for a Sustainable Future

Book Your Eco-Conscious Stay at Villa Carissa Today and Take the First Step Towards a Sustainable Bali Adventure. Travel Responsibly, Enjoy Profoundly!

I need more information

Immerse yourself in the epitome of privacy and relaxation at Villa Carissa, nestled in Seminyak’s vibrant heart in Bali. With its secluded swimming pool and lush enclosed garden, a serene retreat awaits you. Secure your private pool villa with us today and embark on a journey you’ll never forget.

Embrace Sustainable Travel in Bali: Tips for Eco-Friendly Exploration. At Villa Carissa, we’re committed to helping you minimize your environmental footprint while maximizing your Bali experience. Discover our guide to sustainable travel options, from eco-friendly accommodations to green activities, ensuring your visit is both memorable and mindful.

Whether you’re vacationing with family, friends, or seeking a romantic escape, Villa Carissa offers an ideal sanctuary for exploring Bali’s myriad attractions while ensuring a peaceful and enjoyable stay.

Carissa villa in seminyak
Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

Top Attractions in Bali, Visits and Places of Interest

Are you going to visit Bali soon or do you dream of going there? The number one tourist destination in Indonesia, Bali is a beautiful island full of must-see places to do and see! Here are things to do in Bali, to help you do this and so that you know what to do and what to see in Bali, here is a complete guide to top attractions in Bali and must-see places.

Bali is known for its volcanic mountains, its paradisiacal beaches, its coral reefs, its rice fields, its tropical forests and its typical villages with incredible charm.

It is not easy to prepare an itinerary in Bali as there are so many things to discover.

This list of things to do and see in Bali best for 2 weeks or 3 weeks. We have also supplemented this list with must-see places recommended by our travel community. There are many things to do in Bali, our travel guide here to give you some ideas, to better plan your visit in Bali.


Between its beautiful sandy beaches, its turquoise waters, its spectacular seabed suitable for scuba diving, its renowned surf spots like those of Uluwatu, Kuta Beach or Padang Padang, its festive evenings like those of Seminyak or the Gili Islands, its preserved nature, its rice fields and its volcano which you can try to climb to watch the sunrise, its charming hotels with all comfort and affordable.

Bali, this paradise island in the Indian Ocean and Indonesia, has something to please travelers from all directions who want to get off the beaten track.

A jewel set to perfection, the island of Bali is also very interesting culturally. It is not nicknamed “the island of the Gods” by chance…

Because of Hinduism and its ancestral beliefs, Bali boasts a vibrant cultural heritage. This includes numerous temples, traditional villages like Ubud known for craftsmanship, and a plethora of festivities. Exploring this Indonesian island, whether on a trek, renting a scooter, or with a driver, fulfills various travel desires. Equipped with a Bali tourist guide to help plan your itinerary… the Balinese magic is almost guaranteed!

What are some things to do and places to visit in Bali? Here are the top attractions!

These top attractions in Bali “list” is of course not exhaustive, and remains very subjective, but we hope it will be useful to you! Do not hesitate to complete it in the comments…!

1. Ubud, the cultural and spiritual center of Bali

Ubud is a city located towards the center of Bali where about 35,000 people live. It is considered to be the cultural and spiritual center of the island.

As you walk around Ubud, you will appreciate the many handicrafts and you may have the chance to experience ceremonies with traditional dances.

Located on high plateaus, Ubud has a very rich surrounding nature. You can easily escape to the tropical forest, discover the famous rice fields on the plateau or the beautiful Ayung River!

Many majestic temples stand in the surrounding area and you can’t wait to discover them on foot or by bike.

Visiting Ubud in Bali is the feeling of being in osmosis with Balinese nature, culture and traditions. An authentic Bali tour for sure!

Here are some places to discover near Ubud:
  • The Monkey Forest of Ubud, another must-see in Bali
  • The Ubud Art market
  • Ubud Palace
  • Monkey Forest Road

Ubud Complete Guide: Top Places to Visit in Ubud

Beautiful rice terraces in Tagallalang
Beautiful rice terraces in Tagallalang. PinterpandaiCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

From Seminyak to Ubud

From Seminyak to Ubudu takes 1 hour 30 minutes by car.

If you are in Seminyak and want to go to Ubud, you will see that there may be several means of transport to get there. This may be the easiest and most efficient way to get from Seminyak to Ubud. In fact, taking a taxi or a private driver is the easiest way to get to Ubud.

Ubud Complete Travel Guide and Must Visit Places

It is also the most expensive means of transport if you are alone. However, if you are 3 or 4 people traveling, the price is divided and is therefore quite advantageous. Therefore, in the event that you choose this option, just walk a little bit in the streets of Seminyak and you will quickly find a taxi there. Read also: How to Take a Taxi in Bali Without Getting Scammed or Cheated?

2. Denpasar, the largest city in Bali

Denpasar is the capital of Bali, located in the south of the island. This is the major city center and offers many activities to tourists who go there.

In Denpasar, it is possible to find wonderful beaches on the east coast towards Sanur. You can also immerse yourself in the festive atmosphere of Kuta further south.

There are many traditional and beautiful sites. We advise you to visit the temples of Pura Blanjong and Tanah Lot or the Bali Museum to immerse yourself in Balinese traditions.

Denpasar is definitely one of Bali’s must-sees, although it is a more touristy region where it is difficult to rest.

Here are some ideas of places of interest to visit around Denpasar:

Denpasar Montage
From top, left to right: Bajra Sandhi Monument (to the struggles of the Balinese people throughout history), Bali Temple, Mayor’s office building, Fast food outlets with traditional Balinese architecture, and Cellular superstore in the city center. File:Aerial view of Bajra Sandhi Monument Denpasar Bali Indonesia.jpg: trezy humanoiz from Denpasar, IndonesiaFile:Bali Denpasar Museum.jpg: VasenkaPhotographyFile:Official Building Denpasar.jpg: Everyone Sinks StarcoFile:McDonald’s (26768022835).jpg: BxHxTxCx (using album)File:KFC (26742837076).jpg: BxHxTxCx (using album)File:Cellular City Denpasar (26723228291).jpg: BxHxTxCx (using album)derivative work: Badpuccini, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

3. Seminyak and Kuta, one of Bali’s main resorts

Kuta is considered Bali’s main resort. It is located south of Denpasar, in the south of Bali. Seminyak is more chic!

Who says seaside resort, says paradise beach, tourists, nautical and sports activities, festive atmosphere etc. We are far from authentic Bali but Seminyak and Kuta remains a magnificent region of Bali.

Its beaches have become surfing spots and many amateurs go there to learn about the sport. Moreover, you can find many surfboard rentals in Kuta.


Seminyak in Bali is a luxurious haven for upscale tourists. Its upscale resorts, designer boutiques, trendy beach clubs, and top-tier dining options cater to those seeking sophistication. With lavish accommodations, gourmet experiences, exclusive shopping, and vibrant nightlife, Seminyak offers a perfect blend of opulence and relaxation against Bali’s stunning backdrop.

At night, the atmosphere in Seminyak transforms into a lively and sophisticated nightlife scene. Trendy beach clubs and upscale bars host parties with live music, DJs, and a cosmopolitan crowd, creating an energetic ambiance for those seeking upscale entertainment after sunset.


Kuta, Bali, embodies a vibrant mix of lively beaches, bustling streets, and a thriving nightlife scene. Known for its surfing opportunities, bustling markets, and diverse dining options, Kuta offers an energetic atmosphere that caters to travelers seeking both relaxation and excitement.

Nightlife in Kuta is vibrant and diverse, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues. The area comes alive after dark, offering a range of experiences from beachfront parties to live music, ensuring there’s something for everyone seeking an energetic night out.

Here are some places to visit in the Kuta area of Bali:

What to do and see in Seminyak Bali?

Both Seminyak and Kuta showcase Bali’s renowned hospitality, stunning beaches, and a wide array of recreational activities. Visitors can explore the unique blend of modern amenities, cultural charm, and natural beauty that Bali has to offer.

Best Beach Clubs in Bali | Best Spots in Top Destinations for Beach Club Hopping

4. Pura Luhur Uluwatu Temple

Here is a wonderful temple to discover in Bali. The Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple is located on the cliff of Uluwatu in the far south of Bali. You just have to follow the end of the cliff to see it. Uluwatu Temple offers breathtaking views and a chance to witness traditional Kecak fire dance performances.

Built on the cliffs at 70 meters (229.6 ft) high, it has become popular with tourists, especially for its magnificent view of the Indian Ocean and its sunset. Walk around the temple and especially go to the edge of the cliff to enjoy the different views and take memorable photos.

If you are lucky enough to go there at the end of the day to enjoy the sunset, then it will be a feast for your eyes and your camera!

It is a temple dedicated to the God of the sea, hence its geographical location at the end of a cliff and surrounded by the sea.

Pura Luhur Uluwatu 1998 03
Crab-eating macaca [Macaca fascicularis] at Uluwatu Temple at sunset, Bali, Indonesia. LBM1948, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Uluwatu Travel Guide: Must Visit Places Between Temples and Beaches in South Bali

5. Amed and the fishing villages

A much more authentic destination in Bali, Amed is located in the northwest of Bali.

Here, you can conquer the seabed thanks to the many diving and snorkeling spots. Amed is full of secrets buried at the bottom of the sea. One of the secrets to be discovered is the wreck of the USAT Liberty in Tulamben. You can scuba dive there… Thrills guaranteed!

If you dream of charm and authenticity, calm and serenity, then Amed is the must-see destination in Bali that you must add to your list!

Amed is one of the Best Dive Spots in Bali.

Here are some places to visit near Amed in Bali:

  • The wreck of the USAT Liberty at Tulamben
  • The small fishing villages
  • Coral reefs

Amed Traditional Salt Maker
Traditional Salt Maker in Amed. Many coastal communities in the south and east of Bali fulfill their economic needs through the informal sector, namely the business of making traditional salt. Surya Edy GautamaCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Amed Bali | A Little Paradise To Discover Absolutely On The Island of the Gods

6. Jimbaran, another seaside resort in Bali

Jimbaran is another resort located in the south of Bali, below Kuta and Denpasar.

It is a city and a fishing village which have made tourism profitable thanks in particular to the many paradisiacal beaches of the region.

It is an ideal destination to taste fish in the many restaurants.

The sea of ​​Jimbaran Bay is particularly calm and will make you want to rest in an idyllic setting.

At night, the festive atmosphere takes precedence over the sound of the waves because yes, Jimbaran is also lively at night!

Jimbaran Bay

The Jimbaran bay is famous for its seafood restaurants along the beach, Jimbaran Bay is a great place to enjoy a romantic dinner while watching the sunset.

Dinner on Jimbaran Beach: Enchanting Experience Fish and Seafood Restaurants

Here are places to visit around Jimbaran in Bali:
  • Jimbaran Beach
  • Uluwatu Temple
  • Garuda Wisnu Kencana Park
  • Tegal Wangi Beach

Fishing boat on Jimbaran
Traditional fishing boat on Jimbaran, Bali. PHGCOM, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

7. Hiking Mount Batur Volcano

Mount Batur is the best known volcano located in the north of Bali in the Kintamani area. Considered a sacred mountain in Indonesia, Mount Batur is perched over 1717 meters (5633 ft) above sea level.

The volcano is still active but it is possible to climb Mount Batur.

To get straight to the heart of the matter, YES there is a kind of “guide mafia” that prevents you from accessing Mount Batur without being accompanied. The ascent could very well be done without a guide but it is simply IMPOSSIBLE!

Hiking Mount Batur in Bali | Hike to witness the sunrise from the top of the volcano!

If you are lucky enough to experience a sunrise or a sunset, then the experience is unique and you will be amazed! The Mount Batur hike is extraordinary and we highly recommend you do it!

In short, we pass on this point since the ascent is still really nice but you will absolutely have to climb Mount Batur with a guide by buying the ticket directly in Bali for about € 40 (around AU$ 70) or even simpler by booking your ticket online (at least you have your tickets on the phone and you don’t have to run down the street to find the right provider…).

Batur insun
An active volcano and one of Bali’s most sacred mountains. Hiking to the summit provides stunning sunrise views. Sun is already un and shining on Batur volcano, Bali, Indonesia. Syselpunk, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

8. Canggu, a charming village in Bali

Canggu is a small village bordered by a magnificent beach. Located in the southwest of Bali and west of Denpasar, tourists like to relax in peaceful nature.

Canggu is indeed quieter and less busy than Kuta which is a few kilometers to the south.

Canggu is a fashionable destination for tourists seeking authenticity in Bali. There is a surf spot, a heavenly beach, temples and rice fields.

Here are some places to visit around Canggu in Bali:

  • Canggu Beach
  • Batu Bolong Beach
  • Tanah Lot Temple
  • Mejan Stone Beach (Pantai Batu Mejan)

Canggu beaches
The long black sand beaches of Canggu. User: (WT-shared) Burmesedays at wts wikivoyage, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

9. Benoa, a seaside resort in Bali and fun watersports places

Benoa is another seaside resort which was built on an old fishing village towards Kuta Selatan. It is located in the southeast of Bali and offers many activities for tourists.

In particular, there are many luxury hotels that are located on the edge of the beach. The beach is also magnificent with transparent and calm water.

This seaside resort differs above all from the others for its calm and relaxing side. Here, no party until no time and the music at full blast.

Everything is done so that tourists can enjoy the surrounding calm and tranquility.

Bali benoa beach
Beach and seascape Benoa Beach, Bali Indonesia. Bahtboy, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some ideas of places of interest to do around Benoa in Bali:

  • Pasifika Museum
  • Waterblow Beach
  • Jimbaran Beach
  • Penangkaran Penyu Bali Tanjung Benoa Turtle Reserve

Fun Water Sports Activities in Bali | Jet Ski, Flying fish, Parasailing, Banana boat and Flyboard…

10. Discover the iconic Tanah Lot Temple perched on a sea rock

The temple of Tanah Lot is very well known thanks to its geographical layout. It stands in the middle of an islet called Pura Tanah Lot.

This Hindu temple is located on the west coast of Bali near the small village of Canggu.

This temple is one of the most famous on the island, because of its location: the Temple of Tanah Lot in Bali is “set” on a small rock in the middle of the ocean, about 100 meters from the coast, accessible at low tide. The spectacle of this temple in the middle of the waves at high tide is just magnificent!

Pura Tanah Lot, Bali, Indonesia, 20220827 1029 1193
Tanah Lot Temple at high tide, Bali, Indonesia. Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It is a high place of pilgrimage for believers and a place of photographs for tourists and photographers.

If you can have the chance to visit the temple during a sunset, then you can make great photos!

Tanah Lot Bali | Temples Bordering the Indian Ocean

Tanah Lot odalan ritual
The Odalan ritual on Tanah Lot temple. OkkisafireCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

11. Nusa Penida, a paradise island near Bali

Nusa Penida is an island that belongs to the province of Bali. It is located southeast of Bali, approximately 30 to 45 minutes away by speedboat.

It is a fashionable destination to immerse yourself in a small paradise island, without volcanic mountains on its edge.

When you visit Nusa Penida, you fall under the spell of its paradisiacal beaches, its tropical forests and the seabed with incredible coral reefs. Difficult to find such turquoise water on Bali.

Nusa Penida is definitely an island you must visit if you go to Bali!

Here are places to see around Nusa Penida towards Bali:

  • Nusa Lembongan Island
  • Kelingking Beach
  • Crystal bay
  • Nusa Ceningan Island

Broken Beach
Natural bridge and archway on Nusa Penida Island. Aaron RentfrewCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

From Bali to Nusa Penida Island | Places Not To Be missed and The complete guide to visit the island!

12. Nusa Lembongan, neighbor of Nusa Penida

Once on Nusa Penida, it would be a shame not to take advantage of the very small neighboring island that is Nusa Lembongan. Located north of Nusa Penida, it is a magnificent destination.

A real natural reserve of fish and underwater species, bring your mask and snorkels to discover the beauty of the seabed!

You can also do the third island which is called Nusa Ceningan.

Kelingking beach, Nusa Penida. Sasuke ShinozawaCC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Nusa Lembongan or Nusa Penida | What to choose between the two islands?

13. Jatiluwih rice fields

If you want to immerse yourself in the heart of the most beautiful rice fields in Bali, then you have to go to Jatiluwih!

The Jatiluwih rice fields are located in the heart of Bali. It’s another stunning example of Bali’s rice terrace landscapes, Jatiluwih is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Tabanan Regency.

There are hectares and hectares of rice plantations arranged in plateaus in the heart of lush and incredible nature. The scenery in the rainforest and the steep ravines are just beautiful to see.

Moreover, to prove to you the beauty of the place, it is enough to translate “Jatiluwih”. You have it ? Well, that simply means “wonderful” like the place you are about to set foot in.

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Jatiluwih rice fields, Tabanan Regency, Bali, Indonesia. rheins, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

14. Bedugul, the mountain resort in Bali

Bedugul is an atypical seaside resort since, unlike the others, there are no heavenly beaches or diving spots. It’s a mountain seaside resort!

It is located in the north-central region of Bali towards the beautiful Lake Bratan. There are many villages in the region and many hiking departures for sports and nature lovers.

It is also the place where we find an incredible temple under the name of Ulun Danu.

Here are some ideas of places to see around Bedugul in Bali:

  • Lake Bratan
  • Ulun Danu Temple
  • Candi Kuning market
  • Jatiluwih rice fields
  • Banyumala Waterfall

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Bedugul, Bali (1)
Ulun Danu Bratan Temple, Bedugul. Johannnindito Adisuryo (Yohanes Nindito Adisuryo), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Best Waterfalls in Bali | Discovering the Natural Beauty and Wonders

15. CandiDasa, a haven of peace in Bali

Discover a very beautiful city located on the east coast of Bali: CandiDasa. You can discover the Goa Lawah temple carved in a cellar and which houses hundreds of bats.

This region has magnificent beaches bordering a freshwater lagoon. It is one of the must-see places to visit in Bali.

We discover landscapes isolated from all tourist constructions in Bali. It is a real haven of peace with an authentic side of Bali.

However, there are many things to do and see, such as exploring the superb seabed, discovering unknown beaches, visiting the Goa Lawah temple, or even meditating at the Lotus Lagoon.

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Goa Lawah Bali. Arabsalam, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some places to visit around Candidasa in Bali:

16. Padangbai, a small village in Bali

Padangbai is a small fishing village located in the south of Bali. It is a village known mainly for its gateway to another tourist island: Lombok. Many ferries run back and forth between Bali and Lombok.

By going to Padangbai, you can go diving and snorkeling on a superb paradise beach with turquoise water. This beach is called Blue Lagoon.

Another even more discreet beach, Bias Tugel Beach is less easy to access but is definitely worth the detour. Finally a beach on which you can rest quietly away from the tourist influx!

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Padangbai, Bali, Indonesia. Alexey Komarov, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are the places to see around Padangbai in Bali:

  • Blue Lagoon
  • Bias Tugel Beach
  • Padang Bai Beach
  • Silayukti Temple

18. Tirtagangga Palace

Located in East Bali, Tirtagangga Palace stands in a stunning area surrounded by lush nature. Tirtagangga means “water of the Ganges”, thus taking up the sacred Tirtagangga springs that can be found there.

A 35-minute drive from Candi Dasa (18 km), this palace is a delight. The Tirta Gangga Water Palace in Bali, set on the sacred waters, is a veritable Garden of Eden where all is beauty. The nature that surrounds the statues, baths and fountains is wonderful. We didn’t swim but you can take your bathing suits to dive into a swimming pool at the palace if you’re not chilly.

Here, there are baths, gardens, water sources, rice fields and a palace. It is an old Water Palace surrounded by parks and gardens with many water sources.

Do not hesitate to walk there because here, the environment is very soothing. So walk through the park, passing many Balinese statues and flowers, each more beautiful than the other.

You can even swim in a sacred spring in the park!

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View from the lower part to the upper part of Tirta Gangga water palace. Manuae, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

19. Lempuyang Temple

Pura Penataran Agung is located on the slope of Mount Lempuyang 600 metres (2,000 ft) high above sea level.

At the exit of Abang, on the main road 5 km (3.1 miles) north of Tirtagangga, a road goes to the right towards Pura Lempuyang (the road is signposted), an important temple in the region and on the island. The road then splits in two, you have to turn right. It becomes very winding and climbs steeply for about 2 km (you will not be able to shift into 2nd gear – be careful if you are prone to motion sickness or if you are traveling with children…) It then leads to the car park of the lower temple from Lempuyang. We cannot continue further by car, we will have to finish by foot!

"Heaven Gate" Pura Lempuyang
“Heaven Gate” Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang. Chainwit., CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Lower temple

The lower temple is impressive; stairs lead first of all to a gigantic symbolic door (candi bentar) in white stone, as if suspended in the air between the plunging view of the Agung volcano on one side and on the other, a large courtyard from which depart three colossal staircases. They represent nagas, these massive mythical serpents, bases of creation.

Their body undulates along the steps and ends in an impressive dragon’s head. Three doors (closed to the public) open onto the upper altar. The view from this temple is well worth the detour. A word of advice: to take advantage of the most beautiful light and take in as much of it as possible, come especially early in the morning. And in addition, there will be a lot less people.

2nd temple

The second temple in the complex, Pura Luhur Lempuyang (luhur means “high”), the more sacred of the two, as the highest, is a good hour and a half walk away (at a good pace, but with breaks).

It is a bit demanding to access between the road and the many stairs, be careful if you are with young children or if you have difficulty walking. You have to take the small paved and very steep road that runs along the lower temple on its right for a good kilometers / miles.

Pura Penataran Lempuyang - photo with a bottom mirror
This photo was taken using a mirror app to give an impression of water surface and sky reflection in that surface. In real, there is no water in Pura Penataran Lempuyang “Heaven Gate”, Bali. Jenniferbustamin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The concrete stairs then begin to wind through a cloud forest with dense vegetation (between tree ferns, yuccas, dragon trees, etc.); there are 1,700 steps to get to the very top. The upper temple itself is much less impressive than the lower one, but it is often deserted during the day and there is a funny atmosphere. It is the territory of the monkeys who rummage through the remains of the offerings piled up behind the temple. Every morning and every evening, some devotees from the surrounding area climb these steps to make offerings at one of the island’s directional temples, dedicated to the protection of East Bali.

20. The mountainous region of Kintamani

Kintamani is the mountainous region of Bali located in the north of the island. There are therefore mountains and volcanoes that surround small Balinese villages.

There is notably the famous Mount Batur and its Lake Batur. We strongly advise you to go for a walk there because the trails are magnificent!

You can go to the village of Penelokan to enjoy a superb view of the region. This is one of the most beautiful panoramas to do on Bali, landscape guaranteed!

In this region of Kintamani, there are also some temples including the Pura Ulun Danu Batur temple which was destroyed by an eruption. This temple is considered sacred by the Balinese community.

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Kintamani. akain1000, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some places to do and see in the Kintamani area of ​​Bali:

  • Mount Batur
  • Lake Batur
  • Kintamani Village
  • Village of Penelokan
  • Pura Ulun Danu Batur Temple

21. Tampaksiring Town and Gunung Kawi Temple

The town of Tampaksiring is located in the center of Bali, in the Gianyar region. There is notably the famous temple of Gunung Kawi (official name: Pura Gunung Kawi Sebatu) and its archaeological site.

The Tirta Empul springs have made their reputation thanks to their therapeutic virtues. Pilgrims come to bathe there to purify themselves.

Gunung Kawi Temple

This area is located about 18 kilometers (11.80 miles) north of Ubud. The two main places to visit here are the Tirta Empul springs and the Gunung Kawi temple. The entrance does not give immediate access to the temple! You will walk along rice fields to reach the Pura Gunung Kawi. The rice terraces lead you down countless steps to a flat path. At Gunung Kawi, you enter an ancient Balinese royal site from the 11th century.

The sanctuary is made up of 10 niches, each housing a “candi”, an 8-meter (26.25 ft) high sanctuary. The mausoleums on the east bank would be dedicated to King Udayana and his family while those on the west bank would be dedicated to the mistresses of King Anak Wungsu.

Local legend has it that the candi were dug in one night by the giant Kebo Iwa, protector of the kingdom of Tampaksiring. It is a famous pilgrimage site for Indonesians. Considered a true jewel of the Island of the Gods, Tampaksiring is definitely worth a visit.

Here you are in authentic Bali!

Here are the things to do in Bali, main places to visit around Tampaksiring in Bali: 

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Gunung Kawi Temple Complex, Tampaksiring village, Bali. rheins, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Exploring the Mystical Beauty of Gunung Kawi Temple in Bali

22. Lake Bratan and its Ulun Danu Bratan Temple

This is now one of our favorite places in Bali. Lake Bratan is the second largest lake in Bali, located in the Bedugul area in the north.

The Ulun Danu Bratan temple was built on this lake in the 17th century so that the faithful could place offerings there intended for the goddess of the waters: Dewi Tanu.

Lake Bratan is Bali’s main source of irrigation and water. Being located in north central Bali, it can irrigate many lands around.

If you see Indonesians taking pictures in front of the temple with 50,000 rp bills, don’t be surprised. The Ulun Danu temple is represented on the ticket, which is to say the enthusiasm that the Indonesians have…

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, 2022
Bratan, Bali, Indonesia: Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, a balinese hindu temple. LukeTriton, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

23. Lovina Beach

Lovina beach is another resort in Bali located on the north coast. Its black sand beaches have made its reputation.

You can witness the most beautiful sunset in Bali, while eating local fruits while sitting on the beach. Lovina is small but you can spend a week relaxing there.

In addition to the black sand, it is also the place where you can observe dolphins and corals while diving.

If you like hiking, you can take a trail that starts from Temoekoes village and takes you to Singsing waterfall. There is also a superb Dutch monument.

You can also bathe in the thermal springs of Banjar. In this park, there are hot water pools and tropical forests.

It is a very beautiful region of Bali that must be visited. Even though it is a very popular tourist destination, there are many activities and many must-see places for Bali to visit.

Beach at Lovina, Bali
Beach shoreline at Lovina, Bali, Indonesia. The Lovina beach is located in North Bali, Lovina Beach is known for its black sand and is a great place for dolphin watching. Ken Eckert, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some places of interest to go to in the Lovina Beach area of ​​Bali:

  • The Dolphin Statue
  • Lovina Beach
  • Pantai Lovina Beach
  • Pantai Lingga
  • Banjar thermal springs
  • Singsing Waterfall
  • Brahmavihara-Arama Buddhist Monastery

24. Lake Batur

As mentioned earlier in this article, Lake Batur is an essential place to visit in Bali. It is located at the foot of Mount Batur in the Kintamani region of northern Bali.

Backed by the volcanic slabs of Mount Batur and Mount Abang, Lake Batur (Danau Batur) is a striking crater lake considered sacred by the Balinese. Besides sunrise trekking, Mount Batur offers hot springs, canoe trips, and visits to Trunyan village, where Bali Aga residents expose their dead to rot in the open air.

It is a crater lake between Mounts Batur and Abang. It is the largest lake on the Island of the Gods with an area of ​​10 kilometers in diameter (6.2 miles in diameter). The color of the water varies according to the color of the sky.

You can reach the lake by a small road that leads to the Batur volcano. This road starts from the village of Penelokan.

You can then start your ascent to Mount Batur!

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Lake Batur, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia. LBM1948, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

25. Tuban in South Bali

Tuban is a village located in the south of Bali, between the city of Denpasar and the peninsula of Bukit. It is particularly known for being not far from Ngurah Rai International Airport.

This may be the opportunity, if you are waiting for a plane, to enjoy Tuban Beach. This a beach is located not far from the famous beaches of Kuta and yet it has nothing to see.

It is mainly used by the local population for fishing, swimming or spending time with family. It is also a surf spot for the most seasoned.

The beach hotel is luxurious and the rates are quite expensive! We advise you not to stop there to eat.

Here are some places to visit around Tuban in Bali:

  • Circus Waterpark Kuta
  • Tuban Beach, Bali
  • Satria Gatotkaca Park
  • Pantai Kelan Beach

Atmosphere on Tuban Beach, Bali, Indonesia - panoramio
Atmosphere on Tuban Beach, Bali, Indonesia. ronnie.muhadi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

26. Sidemen Rice Fields

Sidemen is a village located in the eastern region of Bali. This small village enjoys an incredible environment since it is surrounded by mountains and rice fields.

Considered a cultural and artistic center, Sidemen enjoys serenity and absolute calm. You can discover magnificent rice fields surrounded by lush nature.

What we really appreciated while being in Sidemen, is that it is possible to walk many trails that leave in the middle of nature. There are plenty of opportunities for hiking!

You can also visit the Besakih temple about a good hour’s drive from Sidemen. Besakih is a set of twenty temples built at the foot of the mount Agung.

Sidemen rice terrace. Adimelali Bali, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Best Temples in Bali | You need to visit one of them at least once during your stay in Bali

27. The Temples and Springs of Banjar

Banjar is a province located in the north of Bali in the Buleleng region. This area is known for its temples and hot springs.

There are beautiful waterfalls like the Singsing waterfall. Series of magnificent waterfalls in which one can bathe.

In the pools of Banjar, several dragon statues spit hot water. In a green setting surrounded by nature, these pools will do you a lot of good!

28. Klungkung, former royal capital of Bali (located in east of Bali)

Klungkung is also called Semarapura and is located in eastern Bali a few kilometers from Denpasar.

This is the former royal capital and it is an essential stopover to go to the east coast of Bali. There are many monuments in memory of the Gegel dynasty which reigned at the time.

An essential stopover on the road to the east coast of the island, Klungkung offers several thrilling visits, inviting you to take a walk through the ancient monuments bearing witness to the reign of the Gegel dynasty.

Among these, the main ones: the courthouse at Klungkung Palace (official name: Puri Agung Semarapura), covered with magnificent frescoes, the floating pavilion, a piece of Zen happiness in the middle of lotuses and water lilies, and finally the Klungkung Museum.

Here are the places that we advise you to visit near Klungkung in Bali:

  • Courthouse
  • The floating pavilion
  • The Klungkung Museum

Taman Gili at Klungkung Palace, Semarapura, Bali
Kertha Gosa Pavilion of Klungkung Palace (Taman Gili at Klungkung Palace), Semarapura, Bali. Satdeep Gill, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

29. Tenganan Village

The village of Tenganan is one of the oldest in Bali. Located in the east of the island, it is known for its art of weaving and its traditional ceremonies.

If you want to find authenticity in Bali, you will be served at Tenganan!

You can attend dance performances, traditions, customs of the time. It is a village still spared by mass tourism.

To disconnect for a few hours or a few days, why not visit the village of Tenganan in Bali?

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Bali Aga architecture in the village of Tenganan, Karangasem, Bali. DayakSibiriak, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Here are some ideas of places of interest to discover around Tenganan in Bali:

  • The ancient village of Tenganan Pegringsingan
  • Virgin Beach
  • Bale Agung Tenganan Dauh Tukad Museum
  • The nature reserve of Pulau Paus

30. Trunyan Village

This village located on the slopes of Gunung Abang is only accessible by boat. Trunyan has always benefited from a certain curiosity since it is considered one of the last Bali-Aga villages. “Bali-Aga” refers to the native Balinese, who settled in Bali before the Javanese and Sumatran conquests since the first Buddhist influences are traced back to Bali around the 7th century.

Some agree that it was the Srivijaya empire, with a community of more than 1,000 teachers and disciples, which would have already spread and spread the Buddhist doctrines and established monasteries almost everywhere in the most nearby, including Bali.

Bali trunyan village
Bali Aga village, inhabited by descendants of the original Balinese, who do not cremate or bury their dead, but just lay them out to decompose, bones can be found on the ground. ParacetamolCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


Local chiefs or rulers would have submitted to the new ritual practices of deifying chiefs or kings (assigning them divine kinship) and purifying their souls after death. These new rites would not have reached the entire area of Bali and some would have retained their animist practices and their own ancestor worship. We can also realize the veracity of these animist practices attested by the presence of megalithic stones in the Pura Gedé Pancing Jagat, and the existence of a statue (Betara Da Tonta) more than 4 m high in an altar from the same temple.

Trunyan Village | Complete Guide to Visit the Skull Village a Traditional Village in North East Bali

Every three years, a ceremony is held in the Gedé Pancering Jagat temple which involves covering the statue of Betara Da Tonta with honey, lime and gold jewellery. No foreigners are allowed to attend.

In the village proper, there are 2 Bali-aga houses and an old waringin, or Banyan, tree said to be over 1000 years old. A little further, the Kuban cemetery is only accessible by the lake. The deceased bodies are neither buried nor burned, they are left to decompose in the open air in bamboo cages sheltered from scavengers. On several terraces are exposed skulls and bones.

Remember, Bali’s charm also lies in its vibrant local markets, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality, so be sure to explore beyond the major attractions to truly experience the island’s unique culture and beauty.

31. Museums in Bali

These museums in Bali stand as an integral part of the island’s rich cultural tapestry, offering visitors a profound insight into its artistic heritage and historical significance.

From the enchanting artwork of Ubud’s Puri Lukisan to the eclectic collection at ARMA, these museums provide a captivating journey through Bali’s creative spirit and cultural legacy.

Each exhibit is a testament to the island’s vibrant past and its enduring artistic prowess, making these museums a must-visit for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the heart of Bali’s cultural identity.

Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply curious about Bali’s cultural heritage, a visit to these museums promises a rewarding experience.

Museums in Bali | Explore the Island’s Rich Cultural and Artistic Heritage

Partying, Beach Clubs, Rooftops in Bali

Bali’s nightlife pulses with energy across a spectrum of experiences. Nightclubs in Seminyak and Kuta throb with music, drawing crowds eager for pulsating beats and vibrant atmospheres. The island’s beach clubs like Potato Head and Ku De Ta redefine seaside revelry, blending sun-soaked days with lively DJ sets and oceanfront lounging.


The clubs in Bali boast top-notch sound systems, lively dance floors, and often host renowned local and international DJs. From the trendy beach clubs transitioning into party venues after sunset to standalone nightclubs with immersive light shows, Bali’s nightlife scene caters to revelers seeking energetic and memorable nights out on the island.

Bali nightlife. Guide to nightlife or clubs in Bali


Rooftop bars add another dimension to Bali’s nightlife, providing panoramic views alongside cocktails and music. Places like Rock Bar in Jimbaran or the Sky Garden in Kuta offer elevated experiences, where visitors can revel in breathtaking vistas while enjoying the island’s nightlife.

The combination of beach clubs and rooftop bars makes Bali’s party scene dynamic and diverse, catering to different preferences while ensuring unforgettable moments against the backdrop of Bali’s beauty.

Best Bali Rooftops | Elevate Your Experience: Discover them for Unparalleled Views

Beach clubs in Bali

During the day, Bali’s beach clubs invite visitors to relax on sunbeds or enjoy water activities. As the sun sets, the energy shifts with DJs spinning tunes, live performances, and a vibrant social scene. It’s a haven where the island’s beauty meets music, creating an unforgettable ambiance for locals and travelers alike.

Best Beach Clubs in Bali | Best Spots in Top Destinations for Beach Club Hopping

Beach clubs in Seminyak

These beach clubs in Seminyak curate an upscale experience, featuring infinity pools, stylish lounges, and a sophisticated ambiance. By day, visitors can bask in the sun on comfortable daybeds, enjoying delicious cuisine and refreshing cocktails right by the water’s edge.

As the day transitions into evening, the atmosphere shifts into a livelier vibe with DJ sets and live music, creating a chic yet laid-back party scene against the backdrop of Bali’s breathtaking sunsets.

Best Beach Clubs in Seminyak | Chic, Glamorous and Flashy | Perfect For Both Day and Night

Culinary, Restaurants, Fine Dining

Bali’s culinary scene is a vibrant tapestry of flavors, boasting an array of restaurants catering to diverse tastes. From local warungs offering authentic Balinese cuisine to international bistros serving fusion delights, visitors can embark on a culinary journey that satisfies every palate.

Local Balinese Restaurant

Exploring Balinese cuisine at a local warung or restaurant immerses you in the island’s culinary heritage. Here, you’d relish Nasi Goreng, Satay skewers, aromatic curries, and traditional dishes like Babi Guling or Bebek Betutu, experiencing the rich and diverse flavors of Bali’s own culinary traditions.

Best Balinese Restaurants in Bali | Discover Bali’s Culinary Gems

Restaurants in Seminyak

Each of these restaurants in Seminyak brings its own unique charm, flavors, and ambiance, catering to different tastes and preferences while ensuring a memorable dining experience on the island.

Seminyak, Bali, is a culinary hotspot, offering a diverse range of dining experiences. From fine dining to local eateries, it’s a paradise for food enthusiasts, blending traditional Balinese flavors with international cuisine. Whether by the beach or along bustling streets, every meal in Seminyak is an exploration of taste and culture, making it a must-visit for those seeking remarkable culinary adventures.

Best Restaurants in Seminyak including Bars and Nightlife, Fun and Places To Go Out

Enchanting Eateries: Romantic Dining in Seminyak

Romantic dining goes beyond the confines of formal fine dining. It’s about creating an atmosphere that speaks to the heart, where the setting, ambiance, and personal connection take precedence over elaborate setups or haute cuisine.

Imagine candlelit tables nestled in lush gardens or tucked away in secluded corners, offering privacy and a sense of seclusion. The gentle sea breeze or the soft glow of fairy lights adds to the romantic atmosphere, creating a dreamy backdrop for a memorable evening.

These eateries, whether charming cafés or intimate bistros, offer delightful menus in relaxed yet dreamy settings, perfect for a heartfelt evening for two.

Indulge in Romance: The Most Romantic Dining Experiences in Seminyak, Bali | Fine dining atmosphere

Fine Dining in Bali

Bali’s fine dining establishments are a testament to culinary artistry, presenting meticulously crafted dishes amidst elegant settings. These restaurants curate exquisite tasting menus or à la carte options that showcase premium ingredients, innovative techniques, and impeccable service, elevating dining into a sophisticated experience.

Bali Fine Dining Restaurants | Unveiling Bali’s Exclusive Gastronomy: Indulge in the Finest Dining Experiences

Japanese Cuisine in Bali

Japanese cuisine finds its niche in Bali with restaurants offering a delightful blend of traditional flavors and contemporary twists. From sushi and sashimi crafted with precision to teppanyaki grills igniting culinary theatrics, these establishments provide an authentic taste of Japan within Bali’s tropical ambiance.

Best Japanese Restaurants in Bali | Savoring Authentic Japanese Cuisine

Chinese Cuisine in Bali

Bali’s Chinese restaurants infuse the island’s dining scene with a rich tapestry of flavors, from aromatic stir-fries to succulent Peking duck. These eateries masterfully blend regional Chinese cuisines, presenting an array of dishes that tantalize the taste buds with their bold and diverse flavors.

Best Chinese Restaurants in Bali | Top Culinary Journey of Exquisite Flavors

Indian Cuisine in Bali

Experience the tantalizing flavors of India right here in Bali, where a culinary journey awaits to delight your senses. Indulge in the aromatic spices, vibrant colors, and rich textures of authentic Indian cuisine, served up in an array of restaurants across the island.

No culinary adventure in Bali would be complete without sampling the diverse flavors of Indian cuisine, and with an array of restaurants to choose from, you’re sure to find a culinary gem to satisfy your cravings for the exotic flavors of India.

Best Indian Restaurants in Bali | Tempting Indian Culinary Delights in Bali

Italian Cuisine in Bali

Italian cuisine thrives in Bali, with trattorias and fine dining establishments celebrating the essence of la dolce vita. From wood-fired pizzas with thin, crispy crusts to sumptuous pasta dishes bathed in rich sauces, Bali’s Italian restaurants capture the essence of Italy’s culinary heritage amidst the island’s tropical charm.

An Italian Affair: Savoring Bali’s Best Pizzas and Italian Restaurants by Cities

Steakhouse restaurants in Bali

Savor the finest cuts of meat and indulge in culinary excellence at the top steakhouse restaurants in Bali. From succulent Wagyu beef to perfectly grilled ribeye steaks, these establishments promise an unforgettable dining experience for meat lovers.

Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion or simply craving a hearty meal, these steakhouse restaurants in Bali promise a dining experience to remember, with each bite guaranteed to delight your taste buds.

Best Steakhouse Restaurants in Bali | Prime Cuts and Exceptional Dining

Top Attractions in Bali for Water Sports – Engage in Water Activities!

Traveling to Bali is a must-visit destination for travelers from all over the world. This island located near the Indonesian coast offers spectacular landscapes and is home to the most famous attractions not to be missed. If you’re thinking of traveling to Bali, here’s a guide to the best attractions and activities for water sports.

A trip to Bali opens the doors to a unique experience. Although the island is not very large, the diversity of landscapes and water sports is waiting for you.

Bali offers a plethora of water activities for thrill-seekers. Go snorkeling or diving to explore the vibrant coral reefs surrounding the island. Try your hand at surfing on the renowned waves of Echo Beach or Balangan Beach. For a unique experience, take a traditional wooden boat to Nusa Lembongan and enjoy activities like paddleboarding, kayaking, and jet-skiing.

Whether you love water sports, shopping or hiking, Bali is the perfect island for an exhilarating vacation. So, don’t wait and start planning your trip to Bali and experience the best attractions and activities.

Water Sports Place in Bali | Best Spots for Aquatic Activities


For almost 50 years, Bali has been an essential pilgrimage for surfers from all over the world in search of perfect waves, warm water and a relaxed lifestyle. The Uluwatu, Balangan beach, Dreamland beach, large bay of Kuta, the volcanic sand beaches of Canggu and the small white sand coves of the Bukit peninsula, there are waves for all tastes and all levels in Bali.

Best Spots to Surf in Bali | Ultimate Guide to Surfing in Bali | Surfers Paradise

Scuba diving

Bali is renowned for its clear water and colorful reefs dotted with tropical fish. Scuba diving enthusiasts will find a large choice of dive sites and centers. It is the ideal place to observe the best underwater attractions in Indonesia.

Best Dive Spots in Bali: A Guide to the Best Underwater Wonders

Best beaches in Bali for jogging or relaxing or both

If you are looking for an unforgettable trip, Bali is the ideal place. Between its white sand beaches, turquoise waters and mountainous landscapes, Bali is the perfect place for a memorable vacation. In addition to the unmissable white sand beaches, there are many attractions to discover in Bali. You can find black sandy beaches in Amed (East of Bali).

The Best Beaches in Bali | Most famous beach during your holiday


With its warm waters, vast reefs and abundant marine life, Bali lends itself perfectly to diving. Throughout the island, schools and reliable diving centers welcome beginners and organize interesting trips for the more experienced.

Best Snorkelling Spots in Bali You Can Go


Rafting is a superb activity that is both sporty, entertaining and allows you to discover magnificent landscapes. To organize a rafting excursion in Bali you have the choice between the Ayung river in Ubud and the Telaga Waja river in Sidemen.

Best Rafting Spots in Bali | Places and Guide to do Raftings

Fun Water Sports Activities in Bali: Jet Ski, Flying fish, Parasailing, Banana boat and Flyboard…

Sandy beaches, turquoise sea… it’s hard not to be tempted by some fun water activities, especially when the sun is out. In order to fully enjoy your vacation by the sea, consider practicing one of these fun and exciting activities that will leave you speechless. Example of fun water sports activities: jet ski, fly fish, fly board, parasailing, banana boat, paragliding, paddle board, kitesurfing, sea walking and many more…

With its diverse range of water sports, Bali offers something for everyone, from adrenaline junkies to those looking for a more relaxed aquatic experience. Remember to prioritize safety and choose reputable operators for your water adventures. Enjoy your time in the waves!

Fun Water Sports Activities in Bali | Jet Ski, Flying fish, Parasailing, Banana boat and Flyboard…

Sources: PinterPandai, CleverlySmart

Photo credit (main photo): Thutruongvn / Pixabay

Discover the Best Hidden Gems in Bali: Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations You Don’t Want to Miss

Discover Bali’s Wonders from Villa Carissa: Your Ideal Base for Exploration

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 For the best starting point to explore Bali, consider securing your villa in the heart of lively Seminyak. Located in Seminyak Center – Bali, Villa Carissa offers a private swimming pool and enclosed garden to guarantee your privacy. You can book your private pool villa here with us.

Staying with us opens doors to Bali’s most mesmerizing sights, including the cultural richness of Ubud Art Market, the natural splendor of Mount Batur’s sunrise, and the serene beauty of Sanur Beach, among others.

Whether you’re embarking on a memorable family trip, a fun-filled adventure with friends, or a romantic escapade, Villa Carissa in the heart of Seminyak provides the ideal sanctuary to discover Bali’s diverse attractions and savor a rejuvenating vacation. With its prime location, Villa Carissa ensures an unforgettable experience for all travelers seeking relaxation and exploration. Book now to create cherished memories in this exquisite haven.

Carissa villa in seminyak
Villa Carissa in Seminyak Center

 Unveiling Villa Carissa’s Alluring 3 Bedroom Configurations at Villa Carissa

3 Bedroom configurations at Villa Carissa offer a harmonious fusion of elegant design and practicality, presenting an exclusive haven where each bedroom is paired with its private ensuite, ensuring a luxurious and comfortable stay.

Embarking on a journey to Villa Carissa in Bali unveils a realm of versatility and comfort within its 3-bedroom configurations. Each arrangement is thoughtfully crafted to cater to diverse traveler needs, ensuring a personalized and luxurious stay.

This captivating villa, with its graceful Balinese architecture and verdant surroundings, offers a tranquil retreat for families, groups of friends, or couples seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Perfect for larger groups of friends or extended families (max 7 people), this spacious configuration offers a variety of sleeping arrangements.

Private pool villa carissa seminyak bali

Experience the Enchanting Fusion of Modern Balinese Style at Villa Carissa

Key features of 3 bedroom configurations at Villa Carissa:

  1. Enhanced privacy: Revel in the privacy and ease offered by three bathrooms, providing every guest or couple their personal space for grooming and relaxation.
  2. Group and family-friendly design: Perfect for family vacations or group getaways, these configurations offer the ideal blend of communal spaces and personal comfort, granting everyone their exclusive retreat.
  3. Versatile arrangements: Explore multiple setups within the three bedrooms, offering flexibility for families, groups, or couples seeking privacy and space.
  4. Tailored comfort: Each bedroom setup is meticulously designed, blending contemporary style with Balinese charm to provide a serene ambiance.
  5. Spacious layouts: Enjoy the generous dimensions of each room, allowing ample room for relaxation and rejuvenation after a day of exploration.
  6. Amenities galore: Discover a range of amenities that complement each configuration, from en-suite bathrooms to comfortable bedding and storage options.
  7. Seamless connectivity: Whether seeking a harmonious family setting, a communal yet private ambiance for friends, or a cozy couple’s retreat, the configurations cater to various preferences.
  8. Convenience meets luxury: Experience the indulgence of three bathrooms adorned with premium fittings and designed for utmost comfort, reflecting a harmonious balance between functionality and elegance.

Villa Carissa beckons travelers to indulge in a harmonious blend of convenience, elegance, and space. With its diverse bedroom configurations, this destination caters to the unique needs of every guest, ensuring an unforgettable stay amidst the captivating allure of Bali.

Read this article in French language (en Français).

Exquisite 3-Bedroom Configurations at Villa Carissa: Elegance and Comfort Redefined

Experience the luxurious comfort of its three-bedroom configurations… Each bedroom boasts unique features and amenities, promising a delightful experience for all guests.

Bedroom 1: 1 double bed

Situated on the ground floor facing the swimming pool. There is 1 double bed (Queen bed) and it cannot be modified.

Full bathroom 1

Bedroom 2: 2 single beds

In the 2nd bedroom (upstairs), you’ll find two single beds, which can be joined together to form one double bed upon request. Additionally, if needed, one extra bed can be added upon request for an additional cost.

Full bathroom 2

Bedroom 3: 2 single beds

Situated upstairs, there are 2 single beds, which cannot be modified. However, we can arrange them to be closer together if necessary. This bedroom also features a balcony.

Full bathroom 3

Living room: 1 sofa bed

Situated on the ground floor, you can stay for 1 person in the sofa bed.

Amenities and Facilities for Unforgettable Moments

Beyond its comfortable bedrooms, Villa Carissa pampers guests with an array of amenities and facilities, ensuring an unforgettable stay. Complementing the refreshing pool, a cozy living area invites relaxation and social gatherings. A well-equipped kitchen provides culinary independence, and a dining area overlooking the pool offers a delightful setting for family meals or group gatherings.

Services and Amenities at Villa Carissa | Seminyak, Bali

Location and Access to Seminyak’s Enchantments

Just a short stroll from Kudeta beach club, Villa Carissa places guests within easy reach of Seminyak’s vibrant dining, shopping, and entertainment scene. Explore the eclectic boutiques lining Jalan Petitenget, savor the flavors of renowned restaurants, or dance the night away at lively bars and clubs.

Location of Private Pool Villa Carissa in Central Seminyak

Immerse Yourself in Bali’s Enchanting Culture

Embrace the rich cultural tapestry of Bali beyond the villa. Visit the sacred temples of Pura Petitenget and Pura Masceti, immerse yourself in the enchanting art scene at Nyaman Gallery, or indulge in a traditional Balinese massage to soothe your senses.

Things To Do in Bali and What to Visit, Where To Go While Vacationing in Bali? (Top Attractions)

Escape to Villa Carissa and discover a world of tranquility, luxury, and unforgettable experiences

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Book your stay today and embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation amidst the vibrant heart of Seminyak, Bali. Beyond the vibrant streets of Seminyak, Villa Carissa awaits to be your private haven…

Balinese Massage: Delving into a Spiritual Healing Tradition

Originating from the mystical lands of Bali, the Balinese massage is a revered tradition that transcends mere physical relaxation. This ancient practice intertwines spirituality, healing, and rejuvenation to create an experience that touches both the body and soul.

The Roots of Balinese Massage

Balinese massage was developed in the Indonesian province of Bali, with influence from the traditional medicine systems of India, China, and Southeast Asia.

Balinese massage is a centuries-old therapeutic practice steeped in local Balinese customs and ancient healing techniques. This massage style is an amalgamation of various cultural influences, drawing from traditional Indonesian, Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicine. Rooted in the belief that the body, mind, and spirit must be in harmony, Balinese massage aims to restore this equilibrium through skilled touch and energy manipulation.

Read also: Balinese Traditional Medicine | Examples of Ancient Healing Practices

The Unique Techniques

What distinguishes Balinese massage is its unique combination of techniques. Therapists employ a blend of acupressure, reflexology, gentle stretching, and aromatherapy to stimulate the flow of blood, oxygen, and energy throughout the body. These techniques help alleviate tension, soothe muscles, and promote a sense of profound relaxation.

At its core, Balinese massage intertwines a diverse array of techniques to provide a comprehensive healing session. From acupressure and skin rolling to gentle and firm strokes, practitioners incorporate a spectrum of movements. Essential oils are seamlessly blended into this therapy, delivering not just aromatic delight but aiding in relaxation, easing fascial restrictions, and invigorating the lymphatic system and the circulation of both blood and qi.

Additionally, stone massage is often integrated into Balinese massage, adding a dimension of soothing warmth and further enhancing the overall experience. The synergy of manual manipulation and aromatherapy creates an environment ideal for relaxation while also stimulating the body’s natural mechanisms for healing and restoration.

Moreover, Balinese massage comes in varied types tailored to specific needs:
Traditional Balinese Massage:

The quintessential full-body experience employing long, flowing strokes to unwind tension and stimulate circulation.

This is the cornerstone of Balinese massage, offering a holistic approach to relaxation and rejuvenation. It involves a series of long, rhythmic strokes, gentle stretches, and palm-and-thumb pressure techniques. Therapists use a blend of techniques, including acupressure, rolling, and percussion movements, to ease tension in muscles and joints. The massage aims to improve blood circulation, relieve stress, and restore balance to the body and mind.

Shirodhara (oil casting):

A specialized massage centered on the head and neck, involving the gentle pouring of warm oil to induce relaxation.

Focused primarily on the head and neck, Shirodhara is a deeply calming massage. Warm herbal oils or medicated liquids are streamed gently onto the forehead in a continuous flow. This method induces a profound sense of tranquility, reduces anxiety, and promotes mental clarity. It’s known for its efficacy in alleviating stress-related ailments and enhancing sleep quality.

During the Ayurvedic practice of Shirodhara, warm oil is gently poured over the forehead in a continuous and rhythmic stream, carried out by hand massage. Imeinklang, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Udakara Foot Massage:

Focusing on the feet, this technique uses pressure points to invigorate circulation and energy flow.

This technique concentrates on the feet, targeting specific pressure points. By applying precise pressure, the therapist stimulates the body’s energy flow and circulation. Udakara massage is believed to restore balance, relieve fatigue, and improve overall vitality. Additionally, it helps to release tension from the lower limbs, promoting a sense of lightness and well-being.

Each type of these massages offers unique therapeutic benefits, catering to various needs and preferences. Whether seeking relaxation, stress relief, or specific targeted therapy, these techniques can provide a holistic approach to wellness and healing.

Foot Reflexology chart
Foot Reflexology chart. Anguxxx, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Hand Palm Massage

The Bali hand and palm massage is a deeply relaxing technique that focuses specifically on the hands and palms. It involves gentle kneading, circular movements, and pressure applied to the hand muscles and palms, aiming to release tension and improve circulation. This massage method is often combined with aromatherapy using essential oils to enhance relaxation and rejuvenation.

Reflexology of the Hand
Example of areas of the hand allegedly corresponding to different parts of the body numbered in reflexology: 1. Pituitary gland 2. Neck 3. Side of the head, brain 4. Top of the head, brain 5. Sinus 6. Eye 7. Proboscis Eustachian 8. Ear 9. Thyroid 10. Lung 11. Heart 12. Solar plexus 13. Liver 14. Spleen 15. Stomach and pancreas 16. Small intestine 17. Colon 18. Bladder 19. Urethra 20. Kidney 21. Adrenal 22 . Shoulder 23. Ovary / testicle 24. Sciatic nerve. User:ARBAY, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Healing Benefits

Beyond physical relaxation, Balinese massage is revered for its therapeutic benefits. It can relieve stress, ease muscle pain and joint stiffness, and improve blood circulation. The gentle kneading and pressure techniques are particularly effective in releasing built-up tension, offering relief from headaches and migraines.

The manifold advantages of Balinese massage encompass a spectrum of wellness enhancements:
  • Stress Relief: It serves as a soothing balm, easing away accumulated stress and tension from the body and mind.
  • Circulation Improvement: The methodical strokes aid in revitalizing blood flow, contributing to improved circulation throughout the body.
  • Muscle Relaxation: By targeting specific points, Balinese massage effectively reduces muscle pain and stiffness, facilitating a sense of suppleness.
  • Holistic Well-being: Beyond the physical, it nurtures mental relaxation, promoting overall mental and emotional balance.
  • Enhanced Sleep: Its calming effects often lead to improved sleep quality, fostering a sense of tranquility and restfulness.
  • Immune Boost: Regular sessions can fortify the immune system, contributing to a healthier constitution.

Read also: The Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation: Simple Steps to Practice and How Cultivating Awareness Can Improve Your Well-Being

The Spiritual Connection

What sets Balinese massage apart is its spiritual essence. Practitioners infuse positive energy, known as “prana,” into their touch, aiming to restore the body’s natural flow of energy. Balinese massage embraces the Balinese Hindu philosophy of balance and harmony, making it a holistic healing experience.

Embracing Balinese Massage Today

In Bali, spas and wellness centers abound, offering authentic Balinese massages. Visitors to the island can immerse themselves in this ancient tradition by indulging in spa experiences that incorporate Balinese massage techniques. From luxurious resorts to quaint local spas, the essence of Balinese massage is available to all who seek its therapeutic touch.

  • Preparing for a Balinese massage involves wearing loose attire, cleansing the skin, avoiding heavy meals, and staying hydrated.
  • During the session, expect to lie comfortably as warm oil is meticulously applied, followed by the therapist’s adept manipulation of muscles and joints. While the massage may elicit some intensity, it should not induce pain.
  • Post-massage, rehydrate adequately to flush out released toxins. Rest and avoid strenuous activity for the day, as the massage’s relaxing effects may linger for several hours.

In essence, Balinese massage extends beyond relaxation; it’s a gateway to holistic rejuvenation, infusing your life with tranquility, vitality, and overall wellness.

Balinese Traditional Medicine | Examples of Ancient Healing Practices


Balinese massage transcends the realms of ordinary massage therapies, delving into a profound cultural and spiritual practice. Its holistic approach to healing and relaxation invites individuals to immerse themselves in the rich traditions of Bali, experiencing a rejuvenation that touches not just the body, but the spirit as well.

Photo credit: Diablo79 via Pixabay

Spa and Massage Treatments in Bali at Private Pool Villa Carissa, Seminyak Centre

Serene atmosphere for deep relaxation and stress reduction

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Let Villa Carissa be your home away from home for your ideal Balinese getaway. With its luxurious accommodations, private pool, and convenient location, Villa Carissa is the perfect setting for relaxing, exploring, and creating unforgettable memories. Contact us today to book your stay and start planning your perfect Balinese escape.